Chapter 68-Confounded Snow

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     Chapter 68

     The snowing has started up again at Port of Frios.  As Richard's and Xavier's command wing lead the patrol over the small, seaside port, the skies become increasingly difficult to monitor.

     "Blast this confounded snow!" complains Richard as he squints through the flurry to discern any activity approaching.  Xavier's metallic golden eyes continue to survey the scene, piercing past the capabilities of his human counterpart's abilities.  Still, the level of frozen precipitation is such now that the black dragon could not perceive past several hundred yards.

      Richard, with the level of the storm, we will only be able to detect any approaching birds a few moments before they are upon us.

     "Don't you think I know that?" retorts Richard aloud to Xavier.  His grim expression is concealed by the protective mask of his heavy riding jacket.  Still, his haunted eyes tell it all.

     The other riders and black dragons in Richard's command wing are scanning the bleary white skies as well – all with similar squints and looks of concentration as they try to see into the stormy night.

     The winds begin to pick up and howl as the dragon warriors brave the elements and struggle to maintain formation in the inclimate weather.

* * *

     Meanwhile, in the sewers below Port of Frios, Crow Master Raven's blood filled eyes are seeing through the vision of many thousands of avians.  This flock she has summoned from far and wide:  birds of different feathers flying together as they near the coastline of Port of Frios.

     Raven was also able to make contact and connect with a large family of Roc.  The great birds are the largest raptors in existence.  They are believed to have prehistoric origins – some scientists even claiming them to be a link between dragon and bird.  Roc can grow large enough to snatch a full grown man into the sky.

     Raven orders the Roc to focus their efforts on seizing the Dragonriders off the backs of their dragons.  She has the giant birds fly aloft of the patrols and to dive bomb from above

     The snowy owls of the northern continent are perhaps the best suited to tonight's endeavor.  They are used to hunting in weather such as this and can see better than any dragon.  Their coloring also gives them excellent camouflage.  Raven commands them to peck and gouge the eyes of the Riders that are not already targeted by the Roc.

     The albatross is a fishing bird of the seas.  Together with the gull, a scavenger of the coast, the white and grey birds will be able to get very close before being detected.

     Many crows and ravens are assembled as well.  The black birds will not blend with the snow, but it is night time and the darkness will aid them.  They proved worthy in the first attack at Boldever mountain.  Their fierce beaks are useful in shredding dragon wings.

     Raven knows Antoine is counting on her flock to be of great assistance as his vampire army attacks from the ground...

     Back at ground level, Valkyr and Bjorgon along with their command wing and half of Highland Den's winged fighting force begin to search the town that appears to be void of any residents.

     Valkyr and Bjorgon had just discovered the dead Red Dragon and Rider of Port of Frios.  The protectors of the small seaside town had had the presence of mind to sound the alert to Highland Den before being killed.  The cry for help had warned of the entire town's population being turned into vampires.

     Where those creatures of the night hid now is what Valkyr and Bjorgon are trying to discover.

     "Check the town hall first!" Valkyr bellows above the wind and snow flurries.  He has remounted Bjorgon's saddle and holds his heavy crossbow at the ready.

     A beige dragon and blue dragon take turns battering the large double doors of the town hall.  The heavy beam barring the entrance from the inside splinters loudly as the threshold is breached.

     From within a mass of hisses and shrieks sound and a group of townspeople-turned-vampire flood out of the large building.  A jet of scorching breath from the beige obliterates a half dozen of the fiendish foes, but many others stream past the blast furnace and launch themselves at the overwhelmed beige dragon.

     The blue sets fire to the town hall itself, hoping to consume the rest of the blood suckers before they can escape their wooden sanctuary.

     Valkyr fires a bolt from his heavy crossbow and pierces the heart of one of the creatures attacking the beige dragon.  It screams and falls to its death.  The beige is bloodied but still snapping its jaw and crushing vampires that are affixed to its body.

     From behind the startled group of dragons and riders an ominous mass of hisses sound and creatures of the night start to emerge from all the dark and abandoned looking buildings.  They overwhelm many of Highland's fleeing forces that were too close to the vacant looking structures.  Impossibly long claws and fangs sink into and shred the flesh of those unfortunate enough to have been positioned within striking distance.

     "Great Pyronius!" Valkyr exclaims as he witnesses what surely must have been every man, woman, and child of the doomed Port of Frios emerge from the dark homes.  The former residents now all sported the trademark fangs and claws of the eternally damned.

     He witnesses his brave warriors standing their ground and massacring the faces of citizens that Valkyr had at one time or another seen when visiting the quiet seaside port.

     Tortured shrieks abound as wing after wing of Highland's fighting dragons unleash their scorching fury upon the throng of the undead.  Then, from grates in the cobblestoned streets and alleys, more vampires stream up and are attacking from behind the wall of dragons.  Many riders perish during this unexpected onslaught.

     "Everyone, take to the skies!" bellows Valkyr and he and Bjorgon lead the command wing up and away from the dangerous city streets.

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