Chapter 45-Strange Bedfellows

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     Raven slips out of bed while Antoine is only starting to stir.  She quickly collects her clothes and dresses with haste.

     "Where are you going?" the waking Antoine inquires.  He sits up in bed, resting his back against the headboard and folding his arms across his chest.

     Raven freezes like a deer in headlights. 

     "Had some bad dreams, did you?" Antoine asks with a knowing smile.

     Raven nods her head slowly in acknowledgment.  She is still only partially dressed and is holding her silken robes to her chest.

     Changing the topic, Antoine says, "Vlad has work for us in Port of Frios tonight.  Your services are required again."

     Knowing that she has little choice in the matter, Raven can only nod again.  Forgetting her modesty, she continues to dress in front of Antoine, as his eyes are reacquainted with the flesh he had known the night before.

     "My memories," he says to her.

     She looks up from her clothes with an expression of perplexion.

     "Your dreams last night after drinking my blood were a window into my past," Antoine explains.

     Raven recalls vividly the nightmare Antoine speaks of.  She recoils sharply at the idea that those were his doings.

     "I am and forever have been a Warlord, Raven," Antoine declares to the petite woman.  "You are not so different from myself.  The carnage you summoned upon Dragonkind is unprecedented."

     The Crow Master thinks inwardly of all she has wrought upon others in her own life.  It is true; she struggles to remember a time of innocence when death and hatred were not her only means of existence.  Even her childhood...

     She shivers and shakes off the memory.

     Antoine is dressed now as well.  He approaches Raven and draws her near.  Though she does not fend off his advances, her mind is clearly still somewhere else.

     "Come, Raven.  We have memories to make in the Port of Frios, " Antoine says wistfully.

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