Chapter 58-Crispy Critters

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     Nick and Drake are circling the major areas of turmoil.  Fires are pluming from several dozen metal posts lining the boulevards of Aldin.  Some manholes have erupted in thicker columns of flame, but the fires have spread to multiple structures near the gas lamps and some of the infernos have consumed shops and homes entirely.

     As if matters were not bad enough, crowds of citizens are running amok, screaming and crying for help.  Many have fallen and are lying motionless on sidewalks, gutters, and even in the middle of the streets.

     The six dragons and riders of Aldin are spread out and appear to be flying attack runs on what they deem threats around the perimeter of the terror zone.  Apparently they are trying to contain the source and herd them to a central point.

     But even as it appears that the Enforcers are getting a handle on the situation, Nick and Drake witness new panic breaking out in an area well outside the Enforcers' circle of containment.

     They decide this new problem will be their best bet of helping.

     The panicked groups are all streaming frantically away from another slower moving band of what appears to be humans, though their walking is labored and irregular.

     Still, the hazard is real enough.  A few of the terrorized citizens have fallen as the panicked mob trample those in their way.  Those who are too injured to get up are soon victim to the awkward humanoids that wail and groan as they descend upon their immobile prey.

     A sickening spurt of blood erupts from one woman with a broken leg as three of the apparent cannibals feast upon her back and neck.  Her lamentation is pitiful, but short lived as her essence is drained from her body.

     Not knowing what is wrong with these people that would cause them to devour their own kind, Nick and Drake swoop down to the street, landing in between the scared masses fleeing and the torpid bipeds that seem such an unlikely threat.

     Nick scans the scene before him.  The street is well lit by flaming gas lamps on either side as if hell is announcing its arrival with torches fueled by Perdition's bowels.  

     The rhythmless amblers continue their snail-paced march, unaware or uncaring of this new obstacle in their path.

     Nick squints to discern the faces of this motley horde, clumsily approaching him and Drake.  Their commonality besides their ill ability to move with any enthusiasm appears to be in their varying stages of decomposition.

     Nick utters a sharp inhalation.

     What the...?

     All of the creatures appear to be human.  But for their animation, they look as if they have been dead for scores of years.  Some are little more than skeletons.  Others strike Nick as being like mummified remains.

     Getting a hold of himself, Nick manages to push his mind past the impossibility of what he is witnessing.  With a shaky voice he clamors, "Stop!"

     The walking dead pay no heed to his command.  In fact, they don't even seem to hear him.

     Drake bares his dragon teeth and roars.  The mighty sound reverberates off the buildings to either side, shattering some of the windows.

     The zombies continue their gradual perambulate, no more noticing Drake's command then Nick's.

     One of the creature's arms fall out of its tattered sleeve and scatters to the ground, various bones clicking and clinking across the road.  The undead keeps moving as if it never had an arm there to begin with.

     The vapid group is mere feet away from Drake.  Suddenly, they seem to sense something.  Those with arms extend them toward the dragon as if they were blind and trying to see with outstretched fingers.  They all start groaning a desolate sound of hunger, not too dissimilar to a growling stomach.

     Before they can make contact with Drake, the dragon coils back his neck like a viper before it strikes.  As his head surges forward, he discharges a jet of searing breath.

     The band of undead shatter upon contact with the fire, flying apart and away from the dragon like a house of cards in the wind.

     Both Nick and Drake watch with satisfaction as the threat seems to be easily solvable.

     As the scorched bones scatter across the road, a curious, sporous dust whirls through the air.  A light breeze carries the sandy substance directly back into Nick and Drake, who are completely unaffected by it.

     The silt flies on down the street, eventually catching up with the panicked masses, which unknowingly start to respirate the sinister spore.

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