Bachelorette Trip

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The days following Thanksgiving were busy as every moment was now filled with wedding everything and it was slowly getting to me.

I was looking out the window when I felt Steve wrap his arms around me.

"Are you ready?"

"Well Nat is taking care of packing for me, they have planned everything. So for once, I have no idea what I am about to walk in on."

"I'm sure they are not going to have you do anything you will not like."

"I know, but I hate not knowing anything that is going on."

"You do remember that you don't know anything about our honeymoon?"

"Yes, I do."


"I will be with you, and we will be all alone. No one is bothering us, or needing one of us for something. I get two whole weeks just the two of us, and I'm sure in between whatever you have planned with where we are going there will be plenty of time we spend in our room, in bed."

"Well don't you have it all figured out?"

"You know that I do."

"Well, I can't wait as well. To have you all to myself sounds nice."

"I don't think I will ever be able to share you again after."

"I know I won't be able to share you."
"Good, because I am all yours."

"As I am yours" he pulled me into a kiss. A kiss that is fireworks and foot popping, the kind that leaves you breathless but still wanting more.

"Rogers, it's my time with her." I hear Nat say and we pull away.

"Just saying bye."
"That's what we are calling it?"

"Nat play nice."

"We will see." I roll my eyes at her before looking at Steve.

"Have fun and I will see you when you get back."
"Alright, I love you. You have fun as well. Just don't let dad plan anything."

"Will do. I love you." with one more kiss I made my way to Nat and the others.

"Let's go have some fun."

With that, we left to meet up with the others.

It was going to be a busy trip with a lot of us. With Nat and I we also had Wanda, Pepper, Laura, Mel, Daisy, Bobbi, Jemma, Bells, and Kara.

I was excited but also nervous about what Nat and the others had planned but I was just trusting that it would all be alright.

Once we got to the plane we met with Mel and her team as well as Bells and Kara.

Getting out of the car we grabbed our things before heading to the others so we could get on the plane.

"Are we ready for some fun?" Nat asked as we got to the others.

They quickly agreed as I knotted my head.

As we walked to the plane Laura pulled me back.

"Don't worry I pulled her in on the plans."

"Thanks, Laura," we whispered to each other.

"I got you, sweetie."

"I'm grateful for that."

We all got on the plane and headed for our destination.

The flight was spent laughing and talking about whatever we came up with. I started to have fun and relax as well. I knew wherever we were going was far because of how long we were in the air. I had even fallen asleep for a while but still, no one would tell me where we were going.

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