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The next few days were a mess trying to figure out what was going on and how to fix the mess of everything. Hydra had done a lot of damage and people were afraid because of it all. I had my team working on things and The Avengers were doing what they could as well. Everyone was running around trying to fix things.

After getting off the phone with another agent that I had undercover I let out a sigh. I got the news that Victoria Hand was killed and Garett was somewhere on the loose with all kinds of weapons.

My phone started to ring again and I picked it up.


"Hey girl"

"Trip, where are you? Are you alright? I have been so worried about you."

"I'm doing alright and I am with Coulson's team. They want to say hi." I heard some talking in the background and then everyone saying hello.

"Where are you? Are you all alright?"

"We are fine Ladybug. It has been a bit of a mess but we are working on tracking down Garett and Ward."

"Ward, why?"

"He was part of Hydra."

"I'm sorry, how are you all holding up?"

"After he took me, I'm doing alright I guess."

"I'm so sorry Skye, you deserve so much better than this. All of you do."

"We are doing alright, right now we are at a motel."

"Trip if you guys need to go back to the base you will be safe there and if you guys need any help we can get you the help."

"Thanks, if it comes to that I will. How are things on that end?"

"I have all of the others out working doing all they can to help everyone and save everyone."

"I saw the news, how are you, Love?"

"I'm doing alright. Lucky only some fractured ribs which I think happened when I jumped from the elevator with Steve because they have been hurting since then. I have some bruising and some cuts. No concussion which is also good. I'm alive so that is a plus. And before it gets out and you find out some other way I am dating Steve."

"What" Phil speaks up.

"I know, but I am good with him. He is amazing to me and this whole thing has shown me even more how much I love him and want to be with him. He fought his best friend for me, and was willing to die to keep me safe. Did whatever he could through the whole thing so that I was safe as much as I could be. I promise He truly is amazing for me Phil. Plus Mel totally had dinner with the two of us before she joined all of you."

"You did?"

"She invited me because she wanted me to meet him. I went because she is my goddaughter and I love her. I do what she asks of me."

"The only one that you do listen to with no objections."

"What can I say, Mel loves me. Maybe after all of this is over we can see each other. Are you able to go after Garett then?"

"Yes we can."

"Good let me know how it goes. I need to talk to the Avengers they just walked back in. I will talk to you all later. Be safe, nothing too crazy. That goes for you,Trip."

"You know me girl"

"I know that is why I worry about you. Keep me updated. Bye guys."

"Bye Rebekah." they say before we get off the phone.

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