Girls Day

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Once Pepper was ready we headed out. Happy had offered to drive us around for the day and truthfully I was glad because I hated driving around the city. I knew I had grown up living between here and New York so while I was able to and a pretty good driver I still didn't like it too much with losing my mom and grandparents in car accidents, though I was doing much better than when I had first moved in with dad after losing mom.

We were on our way to the spa first and I was looking forward to it, I had not done anything like a girl's day in so long. It was hard after losing mom. Pepper had tried to help me any way she could and I will be forever grateful to her for it. It had been one of the many reasons that I was wanting to do all of this for her. The thing was, mom and she became friends. Mom knew that as long as Pepper was around when I was with dad, she would always make sure that I had everything and be cared for like I was with mom. Dad did do his best but with some things, mom and Pepper were just better at it than dad was.

Pepper was really like a mom to me when my mom was not able to be around and had stepped up in every way since losing mom, even though she did not have to do all she did for me she still did and there was no way I would let anything ruin the relationship the two of us had built over the years.

"I'm excited to spend your birthday with you."

"Well, I am glad I get to spend it with you." We smiled at each other and Happy pulled up to the spa.

"Let me know when you are done and I will be back." He told both of us as we climbed out the door he held open for us.

"We will thank you, Happy."

"Of course, and Happy Birthday Pepper."

"Thank you, are you ready sweetie?"

"As I have ever been." We walked in and went up to the desk.

"We have a reservation for Stark," I told the girl.

"Yes, I have you right here, if you could just sign in and we will get you right back." I signed and then we were taken back. We got ready and then were treated to the full spa treatment.

We were sitting in one of the rooms about an hour later just relaxing.

"Do you remember my first spa trip?" I asked her.

"You were full of so much wonder and so many questions."

"It was a pretty fun day though."

"One of my favorite days with you."

"Mine as well." I had just turned 9 and Pepper had been working for dad a little over a year at that point. Mom and she got along so very well and mom had asked her to join us on my birthday spa trip. I had been upset because at the last minute dad had to do something for work and we had to push our trip a day. So mom and Pepper had made a fun day for me and really it had been an amazing day and after it, they were so much closer as well.

"I know you miss her but she would be so proud of you and how you have done so well with all that you have had to overcome the last little while. I know your father and I are so very proud of you."

"Thank you, Pepper, you truly are the best."

"Only because you make it all so easy for me."

"Well someone has to."

"I'm glad that the Starks are a two for one deal. You have completed a part of my life I had no idea was missing."

"You have mine as well."

Once we had finished at the Spa, Happy picked us up and drove us to do some shopping.

We went in and out of a few different stores buying some things that we like and I even found some things for dad. Happy had been following and placing the bags in the car as we had gone along. While Pepper was in the dressing room I made reservations for staying in a hotel tonight. That way we could continue our girl's day well into the night.

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