The Date

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Once I was home I started to get ready. Dad and Pepper were away for the weekend after I had assured them I was fine. So at least for the moment, dad would not know about this date which I was relieved about. I had some time to figure out how to tell dad about it, as long as Nat did not say anything to anyone. Though I knew now that Nat knew about Steve and me, it was only a matter of time before everyone else found out as well.

I decided to wear a red dress that was pretty simple and then undid the braid in my hair to let it fall down in waves. With my locket and the chain with the rings on it around my neck, I looked into the mirror and decided I was ready to go.

Walking into the front room I waited for Steve to get there.

It was not long before there was a knock on the door. I walked over and pulled the door open and there stood Steve.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you, Steve, You look nice as well."

"Well thank you, are you ready?"

"I am, let's go." Walking out we started down the sidewalk.

"So where are we going?"


"Can I ask where?"

"It's a surprise." He opened the car door for me and I got in before he shut it and walked around to the driver's side and got in.

"Are you ready?"

"I am." With that, we took off and started the drive to wherever he was taking me.

As we drove we started to talk about all kinds of things and then he glanced at me.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, what do you want to know?"

"It's about Bucky."

"About where he is?"


"He is with some friends of mine, I have known them for years and trust them completely. They are helping him to break through the winter soldier and find Bucky. There is a lot of damage that Hydra did to him and I wanted to help you and him. I know that he is your best friend and I know that he has been through a lot and I want to help him to heal knowing that all the things of the winter soldier are not Bucky, it is Hydra that was being that. Plus they are the friends who helped me so they will be able to help him."

"The winter soldier did something that affected you."

"They were behind my grandparents' deaths."

"I thought it was a car accident."

"It was but they were behind it and had the winter soldier go through with the plan to carry out the accident."

"I'm sorry Rebekah, Howard became a friend and I am so sorry that you never got to know them because of it."

"Steve, it's not your fault, the only ones at fault are Hydra and all who work for it. I know that things would have been different if they could have. I don't hate Bucky though."

"I would understand if you didn't like him though."

"I know but it was not Bucky, it was the winter soldier and I know that if it was Bucky it would have gone down differently."

"Does Tony know?"

"Not yet, when the time is right I will tell him but I think he needs to understand things a little more before I tell him. I want him to go in with a clear mind and not just go in upset and do something without thinking things out."

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