Surprises all Over

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I was working in my office when my phone started to ring, looking at the caller id I saw it was Tripp and answered with a smile.

"Hello, how are you, Tripp?"

"I'm alright girl, I just got back from a mission."

"Is everything alright?"

"Do you want to meet up for lunch?"
"Tripp is everything alright?"

"If fine, I just want to talk to you about it in person."

"Alright, you want to meet up now?"

"Yes, our usual work for you?"
"Sounds good, see you in a few." We got off the phone and I gathered my things before heading out. The drive only took a few minutes and then I was walking into the dinner where I saw Tripp.

"How are you girl?"

"I'm doing well, what about you? Did you get hurt or did something happen?"

"No, really I am fine. It was just an unexpected mission."

"What happened?"

"Well you know I have been working with John Garett."

"I know."

"I know you don't like him but he's not too bad to work with."

"There is just something about him I don't trust."

"I know and I am keeping an eye out, don't worry. Anyway, we were supposed to pick this guy up Ian Quinn and question him. When we got to the plane he was on I met the team's scientists, a computer girl who Quinn had shot who is doing better now. Helped keep her alive with some drug. Then Grant Ward."

"I have briefly met Ward in passing. He is a little full of himself at times but I hear he's a good agent. What was this drug they used on the girl?"

"Some drug called GH325."


"We went to some secret base to get it and then it blew up. But it was who else was on the plane that I wanted to talk to you about." My mind was racing and I was sure I would not like where this was going.

"Did you know May was back in the field?"

"She started flying a plane for a team that Fury asked her to."

"Well, it might be because of the other member of the team."

"Who is it, Tripp?"

"Coulson was there."

"Tripp, he died in New York almost two years ago."

"That's what I thought until I saw him. I guess not a lot of people know but Fury decided to keep it from the Avengers."
"To keep it from me."

"I am sorry Rebekah, I know this has to be hard but there is no way I would have been able to keep this information from you."

"No I am glad you told me, but Fury and I are about to have a very long talk. One he is not going to like at all. Thank you for telling me, Tripp."

"Are you going to be alright?"

"I will, I am just glad I can count on you. I guess this explains why May was willing to go into the field again. She always has Phil's back and she had a hard time with what happened in New York as well. I wish she would have told me but I get why she didn't. Fury, on the other hand, I am mad at him. I don't think that Mad covers what I am feeling at the moment."

"Just remember when you talk to him not to take him out."

"I make no promises." We have lunch before going our separate ways after a quick goodbye.

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