Stronger Together

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We were at the base and they took Bucky to question him and the rest of us followed into a briefing-type room where I saw dad waiting.

He was on the phone saying there would be consequences before getting off.

I walked away looking around as dad and Steve talked. I was not sure if I trusted the people here but I had to trust that we would be able to figure something out.

I watched as dad walked in to talk to Steve as Nat walked up to me.

"I don't know if I like this Nat."

"What, the accords or them talking?"

"Both actually. I was supposed to go dress shopping today."

"I forgot about that."

"Well with everything going on it is easy to do."

"I'm sure we can do it another day."

"That is if there is even a wedding at this point."

"What do you mean? Are you having second thoughts?"

"No, I love him, but everything is falling apart around us. Those two don't get along for two minutes and everyone is on different sides. They want to arrest us for everything that goes wrong, forgetting the fact that half of the problems they created. I'm just done with it all Nat. When I got back I promised myself I would do what was best for everyone and at this moment there is no right answer. Because both sides have some truth in them. Yes, I get why the accords are a good idea, I truly do. But I also know if we have some kind of alien invasion they are not going to wait around for a bunch of people to say that it is alright if we do something about it. Nat with the way it is set up now there is no way that it is going to end well. At some point, it is all going to fall apart. I have seen how things like this end, and I am telling you now nothing good will come from it all."
"You know you don't need to figure out the world by yourself."

"Who else is going to? Nat, they are all gone. There is no one left. They left the keys to the kingdom to me and now I have to fix everything because it is the only way. Do you think I wanted any of this? I want to be home trying on dresses and laughing, having a good and happy day and then I want to eat cake and talk to my mom because that is what I do every year. Everyone is fighting about all of this and here I am once again falling apart under all of the pressure and no one has even noticed. You know losing Peggy when I did and everything going on no one has even released today is mom's birthday. So no Nat I can't let anyone else help because it always falls on me anyway. I was always the secret weapon and I am what they all want. I should have known that I was too happy.

Because every time I am happy it is taken from me. I'm done, I quit, I'm over it all. Everyone can do whatever because why would anyone listen to the girl who has done everything she possibly can to fix everything before it got to this point? You guys figure it out because I can't anymore." With that, I walk away.

Walking down hallways I find one that is abandoned and slid down the wall as the tears start to fall.

I sat there crying and didn't know how long I had been there before all of the lights went out. Then it hit me it was all a setup. Getting up I ran out of the hall looking for Bucky.

After a few halls, I found one that I figured would take me to him.

There were guys around and I went past them and made my way into the room.

I saw the guy who was questioning Bucky and he had a book in his hand.

"Rebekah watch out."

The guy looked at me and came at me. Bucky was now trying to get out as I started to fight the guy. I used every trick that Nat and the others had taught me.

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