Getting Help

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For the next few days, I spent time trying to find a new calm and peace in my life. I spent time walking around and enjoying the beautiful place I was and spent time with everyone.

I had just left from talking to Shuri when I saw T'challa walking toward me.

"So are you ready to talk?" He asks once he gets to me.

"I think I am." Walking with him we head to a beautiful lake and sit down.

I then tell him everything, all of the things that have happened, all I am worried about, and just lay it all out there.

Once I had, I started to feel much lighter.

"I know I need to stop living in the past but I guess it is harder than it looks and sounds."

"That it is. Why have you not told the others the things you are keeping from them?"

"I don't want to hurt them, I know the truth will hurt but I also know that it will hurt them if I don't tell them and they find out I didn't say anything to them."

"You know you can't protect everyone all of the time from getting hurt."
"I know that but I still want to try. I know I need to talk to all of them but I don't know what to say or how to say it to them. How do you tell the people you love things that you have kept from them? Things you know will destroy them. When I told dad about the baby he looked so broken and I hate that I could not fix it."

"You can't fix everything, you need to trust that people can look out for themselves now and then. I know it is hard for you because you do care about people so much but I also know that you need to put yourself first at times too and holding it all in will not help you."

"That is what I need to work on letting people in."

"Then let's get to work."

The rest of the week after that I spent with one of T'challa's friends that helped people with finding themselves and healing past trauma.

If I have learned anything this last week I had trauma and I need to do something about it so It would not take over my life.

I was sitting on the balcony in my room when I heard a knock. Getting up I went to see who it was.

Opening the door I saw Ramonda standing there.

"Do you think I can come in?"

"Of course" I step aside and let her in.

"I see you were enjoying the outside, would you like to go back out?"

"Yes," we both walked out and took our seats.

"I wanted to see how you were doing."

"Honestly a lot better than when I first got here. I feel like the pressure has been lifted off of me and I'm not carrying so much anymore."

"I'm glad I was hoping you would be able to get the help you needed."

"I have, thank you for letting me be here."

"As I told you before, We are always here for you all you need is to ask."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Ask me anything."

"How did you meet my mother?"

"I had an adventurous son, he loved to go out and explore. One day he went too far and got lost. Lilly found him and brought him home to me. We became friends. Then later you were born and we bonded over being mothers. She was always so worried that she would do or was doing something wrong. She wanted to make sure you had everything because she didn't have much growing up. She brought you when you were a baby and you were so sweet. You were such a calm baby and you loved people. Everyone loved having you around. Over the years she kept bringing you and that is what you should remember. You formed a bond with people here, my children included. I remember one time when you were about five and you came to visit. You would run around as fast as you could hair in pigtails and a huge smile on your face as you tried to keep up with the bigger kids because you were not going to let anything stop you. You were a tenacious little girl and I am seeing her come out more the longer you are here. Don't be what others see you as to be true to who you are."

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