Avengers night out

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The time following Trip's death was a whirlwind. I was so grateful that I had so many people around me to help and It did make it easier.

I made sure to spend time with Trip's mom and when it came to the funeral I made sure everything was taken care of which she had said I didn't need to. But as I told her, I wanted to because he was family just as she was and I wanted to make sure to look out for both of them and knew that Trip would want me and the others to look out for his mom.

With the Avengers I had been busy running around looking for the things Hydra took from SHIELD and also now Loki's staff.

We had just got back from another lead and I was tired. All of us fell down on the sets around the room all too tired to do anything else.

After running around for days on end following any lead we got all of us were getting worn out and anyone could see it.

"I never want to move again" I finally said after we all sat in silence for long enough.

"That sounds good right now," Nat said from her place next to Bucky.

"At some point, we will need to move," Steve told me, pulling me closer to him.

"But that moment is not now."

After another moment Pepper walked in.

"What happened?"

"I don't even know where to start," I told her as she looked at all of us.

We definitely didn't look like the Avengers at the moment.

"I think it is time for all of you to take a bit of a break."

"But we can't because there is too much to do. There is a lot at stake and we need to be able to help everyone."

"Well Rebekah, you can't help anyone if you don't help yourselves. You need to keep yourselves taken care of as well. I know you all are on this hero thing. But you do need to take care of yourselves as well. Plus Rebekah, you promised that you would take breaks when you needed them and you need them."

"Pepper is right Rebekah, you did say that and it would probably be good for all of us to take some downtime. Take the day and night off and have some fun." Dad added.

Then I got an idea. With a smile, I got up and held my hand out to Nat.


"Come on Nat we have to go."


"We are getting cleaned up and then we are going shopping."


"Because tonight we are all going out and we need to look the part."

"Do I have to? Can I just stay here?"

"No, now come on." I pulled her up and we started our way to get cleaned up.

As I got to the stairs I turned to look at the guys.

"Don't make any plans, you guys are coming tonight as well."

With that Nat and I left to get ready.

Once I was cleaned up and ready to go I made my way to find Nat.

She was downstairs talking to Bucky.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Lead the way."

"Bye Bucky see you in a little."

"You as well." Steve walked over and I walked to him as Nat told Bucky bye.

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