Chapter XVIII: Daylight Massacre (Pt.1)

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      It was the afternoon of October 16th, the day after Tymon completed his training. Tymon, Trik, and I were at Avarice's convention looking around.

      We were inside a giant warehouse with four antennae placed around it. According to the signs posted at the entrance and the warnings on the tablets we received when entering the building, the antennae disabled everyone's c-chips to prevent any unauthorized pictures or recordings of Avarice.

      It turned out the convention was a celebration of TekTra's 30th anniversary. Thousands of wealthy men and women came to see many of TekTra's technologies displayed as their most amazing accomplishments throughout the years.

      Behind the podium was a large object hidden under a cloth. I assumed it would be revealed later as their next big breakthrough.

      "I'm not sensing anyone above average here," I said.

      "They're here," Trik stated. "They're within the building, but that's as accurate as my sensors will get."

      Out of nowhere, a voice was heard from the speakers.

      "Thirty years of world-changing breakthroughs...." it spoke.

      I couldn't see the man behind the voice; regardless, I instantly knew not to trust it. The voice was heavy and filled with patience, wisdom, and power.

      Hearing it was all it took to conclude that I couldn't talk this being into stopping anything. The mind behind this voice was methodical; he knew the precise consequences of each of his actions. Killing Tymon and causing the chaos that followed was done intentionally.

      Everyone looked to the podium as footsteps could be heard climbing it.

      "Each year and breakthrough further transformed what began as a ridiculed idea into TekTra, the most innovative and profitable organization on the planet...." Avarice continued as he walked onto the podium.

      He stood over six feet tall, was well-built, and wore a grey suit, black undershirt and shoes, and a golden tie. He had pale skin and black hair that was slicked back, except for the strand that hung over his left eye. Over his right eye was a golden mark shaped like an "S".

      I realized it was his ascension mark. Perhaps that's why he doesn't like pictures.

      "We are here today to celebrate the organization's 30th year of evolution and to introduce the world to something we've been developing for a while now," he announced.

      Avarice waved his arm as the cloth on the item behind him slid off, revealing an empty space. The crowd was silent as they stared confusingly at the open space.

      Then, with a push of a button from a remote device, the presumably empty space began to flicker as a large, high-tech cargo plane was now visible to the audience.

      After revealing some impressive stats on the plane, Avarice says his goal is to have thousands of them dominating the air shipment industry.

      The crowd was now live with anticipations and high expectations. Each was probably thinking of how the plane would further cut costs and save money. Some looked like they had more nefarious plans for the aircraft once they acquired one.

      I had to admit that I wanted one too. Once word gets around, I'm sure the Sadios and Russos will buy one, so they should too. No matter how much it cost, they had to get one. She couldn't let the others surpass them...

      Tymon nudged me.

      "Snap out of it. Use your necklace," he told me.

      I activate a small shield around me.

The Primordials: Death's Fury (Book One)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن