Chapter VI: Dark Lessons (Pt.3)

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      Tymon left the message – LET ME FOCUS – displayed.

      Drowning them out again, Tymon focused part of his spirit energy on his eyes. When he opened them, it was like all light ceased to exist. He saw blackness everywhere except in front of him, where two half spheres distinguished themselves from the darkness.

      Around Trik was a green protective field with a green hue inside, shielding him from the worst of Tymon's spirit energy. Partially intermingled with Trik's field was an astonishing aqua-colored field. In the middle of it stood Alissia, surrounded by a similar hue. Within her, he could see a mass of what he guessed was her spirit energy flowing throughout her body.

      The color suited her; it radiated confidence, compassion, discipline, and intelligence like she was a born leader. It was also weirdly nostalgic and made her look...almost majestic.

      Tymon was only now realizing how beautiful Alissia was. She was almost as beautiful as Za'Fia.

      Speaking of Za'Fia, he should be getting back before she arrives.

      Tymon relaxed his inner energy and concentrated on controlling his outer energy. There was a lot more of it, but it wasn't as heavy, so he found it less strenuous to manipulate.

      Once he'd gotten a good feel for his spirit energy, Tymon tried stopping it in place. Doing so changed its form. His energy became solid; it was less like mist now and more like a mass of five-kilometer-long blades. He felt a lot of the area take damage from the sudden solidification of his spirit energy.

      "Whoa!" He heard Alissia scream.

      "Hey! Watch what you're doing!" Trik exclaimed.

      Some of the blades were scratching against their energy fields.

      Damn! Tymon stood up, cursing at himself. He reached both hands outward in front of him. He was going to try guiding his spirit energy with his hands.

      Spreading his fingers, Tymon willed his energy to revert to its incorporeal form, then raised his arms a little higher in front of him. While closing his fists, he imagined gripping the spirit energy in its entirety and pulled his arms back towards him.

      Tymon's body began to absorb all the energy quickly.

      As more of it flowed into him, Tymon could feel his body fill with energy. Eventually, his body reached its capacity and stopped absorbing. Some of his spirit energy overflowed, rising from his skin like black steam.

      Having his spirit energy concealed within him didn't give the same sensation as having it released; instead of a rushing release, he felt more solid and physically empowered. Like his body was fully charged and compacted.

      Above them, he glimpsed the distant moon in the night sky. It's been years since he last saw it.

      Tymon heard Trik mumble something about "not again" as he and Alissia approached him. He realized he could still sense their energies.

       "Sorry about that," Tymon spoke, shocking them all.

      They all froze in anticipation. Trik and Tymon stared at Alissia, but nothing happened to each of their surprises. He hadn't meant to speak, but Tymon noticed his words were lighter than they usually are. The power in his voice must've left when he suppressed his spirit energy.

      Now that it wasn't heavy with influence, his voice felt...smaller.

      "Hey, nothing happened this time," Alissia commented.

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