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[It's 5 months since y/n joined here, she is little weird now, whenever jk comes to talk with her, she gets away because she thinks he would talk about his love to Lara and she doesn't want any breakdown so she just moves away...she went to many dates but she wasn't able to give up jk due to which she rejected all the meantime she also stopped talking much to Lisa and Rose which made them tensed.. lisa was much tensed as she thought something happened between them but one day]

??: is y/n awake?

Lisa: No!

??: don't wake her up..she really needs rest..just tell her she would come office only if she's comfortable

Lisa:, okay...but something happened between you two because from past 5 months she is just changed...

??: Even I don't know why...whenever I wanna talk with her,she just gets away..

Lisa: do you love another girl?

??: Are you mad? My heart is only for yn and seeing her like this just breaks my heart...

Lisa: ok bye! I'll get going now..


Lisa: I really need to talk to you y/n...

(Lisa went to wake yn up)

Y/n: Yahh!! Lisa pleaseuuu...let me sleep...(pouts) wait! What time's it??.
.Shit I am late...I should get going now..

Lisa: wait jk I-I mean Mr Jeon told you to come only if you're comfortable..

Y/n: In a way he told me not to come..huh! (Mind)

Y/n: ok I won't go..

Lisa: I arranged a date for you...

Y/n: lisaaa!! Why!! I don't like boys you know na..

Lisa: please go...for won't (pouts)

you won't (pouts)

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Y/n: All right...but this one's last...(leaves)

Lisa: half done! (Mind)

On call

Lisa: Listen! Please come at xxx in the evening at 7 pm.

??: why?!

Lisa: please come please...(cuts the call)

Lisa: I hope he comes (mind)

Time skip at 6:50 PM

??: Why would she call me here, but the place is so beautiful, I wish I was here with y/n, but I think I would never--no can't lose hope...

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