Blind date

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[On call]

Lisa's parents: y/n, you're old enough to get married..I think you should try finding a boyfriend or wait we are arranging a blind date for you..

Y/n: blind-blind date?!

Lisa's parents: yes...

[Cuts the call]

Lisa: what happened?

Y/n: they want me to marry...but I really don't wanna marry...

Lisa:(fvck I should inform him) you're right,well I've a little work to do..


*on call*

??: hello,any news?!

Lisa: my parents have arranged a blind date for y/n..

??: whatttt???!!!

Lisa: I think you should tell her that you like him...

Y/n: who?! Who likes whom?

Lisa: nothing..nothing...

*cuts the call*

Lisa: you scared me off..

Y/n: hehe

Lisa: anyways get ready for office..don't you know the CEO is waiting?!

Y/n: what?!'re ofc he must be waiting for you.. (leaves)

Y/n: why does she behaves strange? (Annoyed)


JK: so you've to go somewhere today?

Y/n: how you know!

Jk: just guessed...can I know where?

Y/n: I don't's a BLIND DATE...


*after some hours*

Y/n: sir can I go?

Jk:yeah...(and I'll watch you hehe through CCTV there)

At venue

Boy: hi ms. Yn..

Y/n: hey..

Boy: so what do you think about marriage?

Y/n:(fvck I don't like this guy,without telling just went to marriage)...umm..actual---

Boy: wait I've to pick up a call..I'll just come...wait

Y/n: (fvck wait)....(leaves)


Jk: did right...(claps)

Manager: sir

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Manager: sir...can we discuss file now?

Jk: oh yeah sorry!! (Happy from inside)

Boy: aye..where is she!! Has she gone?? (Dumbfounded)

[Yn goes from there to office, as she was bored so she thought to do some work]

Jk: so you're was your BLIND DATE?

Y/n: it was could ge straightforward go to marriage?!

Jk: hmm..hmm...

Yn: let's discuss some files sir..

[As jk was explaining some work,yn kept staring him admiring his face]

Y/n: what are you doing..!! *mind*

Jk:(she is staring I love you...I mean how cannot anyone like you...yeah except some dumb guys like that...) *in mind*

) *in mind*

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