[40]: Alive

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You woke up in the hospital.

Your eyelids had seemingly never been heavier, as you looked around the small room for any sort of leads.

In one corner, you noticed a clock.


Jeez. Slept in.

It was then as you kept looking, that you noticed your left hand seemed to be much warmer than your right.

Looking down in inquisition, you see Shouto sitting on his chair, with his head flat on your bed.

He was holding your hand with his left side.

His hair was poofed out in a cute, red-and-white halo around his head.

You couldn't help but smile. Dumbass must have spent the night.

You gave his hand a very gentle squeeze, hoping to wake him up slowly and softly.

Slowly, with a tiny groan escaping his lips, he raised his head up.

The right side of his face was pink and marked up from the slight pattern on the covers.

"Oh, Y/N, you're awake." he smiled softly, his eyes swollen almost completely shut. "How do you feel?"

You softened your gaze at him.

"I'm great, Sho. You don't look like you got much sleep though."

"Oh, no. I got plenty, don't worry about me." he smiled. "But I mean, really, how are you? You can't feel too good after all the surgeries and procedures you went though last night. I mean, your whole body is..."

You raised an eyebrow.

"Shit, why do I never remember going into surgery." you shook your head softly, lifting up the material on your hospital shirt to find your entire torso, and arms covered in bangaes. "Damn."

"Yeah, probably just the medication affecting your memory. I'm sure the doctor will give you a proper rundown at some point, today. But they did a good job, as far as I can tell."

"I'll be fine, either way." you nodded. "But, while we're alone, I actually wanted to ask you, about-"

"Ah, Yuna. You're awake. Good." Aizawa shuffled his way into the room. "Todoroki, would you mind leaving for a moment so I can have a chat with Yuna in confidence?"

"Sure. Sorry." Shouto let go of your hand and rose to his feet, walking to the door. As he was leaving he swung back and waved his hand. "I'll be back."

Aizawa watched him leave with a glare, and closed the door behind him.

Then, he turned to you.

"Yuna." he said firmly. "We need to have a chat."

Nervously, you nod your head.

Here it comes...


"So from what I gather, you held your ground and downplayed your abilities to give the illusion that you wouldn't be helpful to the league," Aizawa waited for you to nod your head. "Well. I must say, you surprised me. That's incredibly smart. For someone who hasn't undergone all that much training for situations as shocking as this, you handled yourself very well. I'm impressed."

You turned your head as if confused to hear his response. He went on.

"But, still. The positives don't deny the fact that you never should have been put in that situation. It's nothing but shameful. Though, myself and the disciplinary team at U-A have come up with a plan to prevent anything like this from happening again. You won't have to worry—we'll be taking proper measures to ensure all of our students are kept safe."

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