[52]: Support

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"How is training treating you?"

"It's good. I've been focusing on using both halves of my quirk at the same time." Shouto talks casually as you both walk down one of U-A's halls. "It's not easy, but it is important."

"That's awesome." you smile, rubbing the back of your neck trying to sooth the painful kink in it. "Same for me, i've been figuring out some cool moves, too."

"I saw." Shouto says. "You were amazing."

You look up at him by your side, smiling.

"I actually got kicked in the head for staring for too long."

You let out a laugh, rocking forward and clutching your stomach. "God, that's so funny."

"It's true." he assured, almost laughing with you. "Anyway, what are you wanting to talk to Hatsume about?"

You started rolling your wrists out in front of you as you walked. "I had this idea of a tiny retractable rod that I could fit somewhere in my costume, so that I can quickly draw it whenever I want, and set it on fire. I want to use it as a sword or spear or something similar. I tried just doing it on my own, but my fire can't hold solid form in those kinds of attacks, so I need something that is heat-proof, and very solid."

"Hm. That's a great idea."

"Right? And-and I also wanted to look into some kind of anti-toxin for cyanide, or some symptom reversal? Something I could potentially turn into pills or pellets or something so I can administer them in the field to people who are affected by my poison." you focus hard, looking at the floor in front of you. "I could even use the poison to knock people out and then give them the anti-toxin while they're unconscious! That way, if the paramedics and emergency services are running late or something, I won't have to face manslaughter charges!"

Shouto chuckled. "I think it's different for heroes with licences, but I think you have the right idea." He looked down at you with a warm smile as he continued. "Have you looked into any potential candidates?"

"Actually, I have. My main target is called 'Hydroxocobalamin'. It's an injectable B12 vitamin antidote that has many of the characteristics of an ideal cyanide antidote." you start counting your fingers, "It has rapid onset of action, neutralises cyanide on the skin and in the body without interfering with cellular oxygen use. It's tolerable and is easy to administer, it has a safe profile conducive to prehospital use, it's safe for use with smoke-inhalation victims, and it's not harmful when administered to non-poisoned patients!"

Shouto's eyes are wide as he listens closely.

"If I can figure out a way to obtain it, I can definitely put it in capsules and make it suitable for oral consumption." you continue, "Or, I could just strap some kind of kit to my body somewhere, where I can administer it via injection."

"That's a fantastic idea, Y/N. You seem really excited." Shouto looks ahead. "It's kind of contagious, I think. Because i'm starting to get some ideas now."

"Really? Tell me!"

Shouto laughs, and starts to explain his concepts to you while you continue on the trek to find the support course.



"Shouto! This thing is awesome! Look!"

You have a huge smile on your face as you skilfully twirl your brand new support item, a nickel alloy rod, retractable and strong.

The thing is covered in fire as you swing it around and around, so fast that it blurs into one circle-like flame.

Blurred Lines | shouto. Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum