[53]: Happy Shoppers

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"I'm so happy we're doing this!"

"Honestly, I am too." you run your fingers through your hair while walking through the crowded halls of the mall.

Mina had planned the outing, with the intention of helping the class relax amidst the ten days of ruthless training that was in preparation for the upcoming licensing exams.

"It's a real shame the others didn't come, though."

"I thought i'd be able to convince Bakugou, but in the end he's just an emo and wasn't feeling it." Kirishima spoke to Mina as he walked with you, then turned to Kaminari.

"The people I invited like Mineta, Tsu, Iida and even Yaoyorozu said they had other things to do." he shrugged. "I think we have a solid little group here, though."

"Me too. It's gonna be fun either way!"

"Everyone has been focused hard on training." Shouto reasoned beside you. "I don't think there is any shame in taking the weekend to wind down and rest."

"I agree, Todoroki." Midoriya laughed from behind, talking to Ochaco as they walked together. "I'm happy to be here, though. I was hoping to find a new jacket, actually."

"I like the one you're wearing, Deku-kun."

"I- uh- thank you, Uraraka-san. You don't have to say that. I just-"

You glance behind you with a cheeky smirk at the two of them as Midoriya explodes red and starts to have a nervous breakdown.

Then you look forward again.

"Are you feeling okay, Y/N? How was last night?"

"It was fine. I slept a bit better than I have been." you spoke quietly. "Why do you ask? Are my dark-circles bad or something?"

"Not at all." Shouto replies. "I just noticed you have been quiet today, and couldn't help but wonder why."

You sigh, craning your head back and looking up at the second floor of the mall above you, people-watching for a second. "I've just been feeling weird. Something is off, but I can't put my finger on what it is."

"Hm." Shouto started thinking hard.

Then, he held his hand up to your face and gently pressed the back of it against your forehead, squinting in focus.

"You don't seem to have a fever. What could it be?"

"It doesn't matter, it's nothing serious." you assure him with a smile. "Just a little uneasy today. I'm sure it'll pass."

"Let's focus on the good things, guys! Like we finally have a free day, and the world is practically our oyster right now!" Mina skips ahead of the group and swings out her arms, turning around and walking backwards while talking. "What should we do first? We can go get food, or hit up a clothing store, or the arcade! We could split up if not everyone agrees, but one things for sure: I'm craving boba suuuper bad!"

"Soba sounds nice."

"Boba, Todoroki. I said Boba."


"So, where does everyone wanna start? Hit me with your best ideas!"

"My vote is that we start off with some food, and then hit the arcade!" Kaminari nudges a reserved Jirou at his side. "Whadaya say, babe?"

"Don't call me that." Jirou blushes and turns away. "I-I'm down for whatever. Happy just following you guys."

"Alright, the food court it is! Let's go, guys!"

Blurred Lines | shouto. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang