[51]: Ultimate Moves

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"Aizawa-sensei. Can I have a word with you?"

"Todoroki. Homeroom hasn't started yet." Aizawa grumbled in his cocoon-like sleeping bag. "Can this wait?"

"Preferably not. It's about Y/N."

"What is it?" Aizawa groaned in pain, and Shouto walked into the empty classroom.

"It's about the exam you conducted on her. I know it was compulsory, in terms of safety regulations, and well out of your control. But, if I may offer some input," Shouto's eyes were cold and bordering angry. "I think you went overboard."

Aizawa simply raises as eyebrow. "Meaning?"

"Y/N hasn't been able to sleep since you put her through it. She's having nightmares about what happened, and from what I gathered from talking to her and the others, it looks like she has some symptoms of PTSD."

"A stress disorder doesn't seem out of character, for her." Aizawa added, seeming unsurprised. "The scene we fabricated was definitely intense, but it had to be. We had to scare her to asses how her mind would react. And, just as I knew she would, she figured it out herself. There was no outburst. She showed progress."

"But, haven't you thought about the repercussions or negative effects this could have on her mental health? Forgive me if I seem erratic, sir, but I don't think that was the right decision. She went through so much already, and now she has to deal with this, too!"

"I appreciate your concern for your fellow classmate, Todoroki. It's admirable. However, it had to be done. And, thankfully, it doesn't need to be done again." Aizawa reasons with him. "I understand it may have been overkill, but there is nothing for you, or I, or Yuna to do now, except to move forward."

"But that is my point." Shouto says. "She can't move forward. She's traumatised."

"Just focus on trying to make her school life as normal as possible, okay? If you want it to be different, distract her. Get the girls to invite her out shopping, or to do other teenage things that she might enjoy." Aizawa's tone changed with the nature of the conversation. "It's shitty, yes. But there was no other way. Now, we lick our wounds and move on."

Shouto bit his lip and clenched his fists.

"Keep being a good friend. I need you all to stay focused. Your provisional licensing exams will be coming up soon. You and Yuna should try to focus your efforts on that."

Shouto was angry, and failing to hide it.

"Yes sir."

Fighting the urge to scream, Shouto turned around and left the room, heading back to the dormitories to ready for the school day.


Classes had commenced and the students of 1-A had been introduced to a new training facility, known as 'Training Dining Land', or, the TDL. Everyone changed into their hero costumes, in preparation.

Gym Gamma was where you and your class had set up to start training your special moves, for the up-and-coming licensing exams.

You stood alone on your pillar, slightly elevated from the rest of the classmates, much like Bakugou and Shouto were. It probably had something to do with your quirks being quite destructive, you needed space from the other students to work on them freely.

So while you ignore the overbearing sound of Bakugou's explosions, and Aoyama's laser beam, and the various other tasks that the other students were progressing with, you face against an Ectoplasm dupe, glaring at him across the small stretch of concrete.

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