[35]: Hostage

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"Well, good afternoon."

A ringing sound tearing through your head was hard to ignore.

At the sound of the dark voice, you sat upwards. Looking around, it seemed to be an old, decrepit office or spare room of sorts.


You felt extremely dizzy and disoriented.

Below you, there was a dirty, thin mattress on the floor which you had been apparently lying on.

But within a second of realising that, you stood to your feet.

"Easy now," the man said, slowly pulling out a chair near the door. "I think we should have a talk."

"What makes you think I'd wanna talk with you?"

Dabi sat before you.

He barely said anything as he reached into his pocket, and pulled out a small white-framed photo, turning it around to face you.



He's got a picture of Shouto.

You stood your ground against him for about thirty more seconds, until you decided to lower your aggression towards Dabi.

He didn't seem to have any sort of immediate hostility towards you, it was more blatant disrespect.

You could at least play nice until the time was right.

Plus, it was just you and him in the room, and you were confident you could at least take him on if need be.

"So what the hell do you wanna know?"

"No, no, you've got it all wrong." he said. "I want you to know something. Actually, I want you to know all the things it is that dear Shouto Todoroki had to say about you."

You blinked in confusion. That didn't make sense.


"Well, because frankly, Y/N, you've been living a lie these past few months. And I think if you haven't worked out the truth about U-A," he paused, "Then you definitely haven't worked out the truth about Shouto."

"What the hell does that mean? Fucking spit it out."

"Whoa, slow your roll. I'd like to start off, with saying that we also captured him, back at that forest. He's just being held in a different warehouse, 'cus the idiot is nothing but a liability."

You narrowed your eyes.

That's not possible.

You remembered from that night, seeing all the others villains around you stepping into their portals and warping, while Shouto was still in front of your eyes.

How would they have had the time to grab him? Maybe they went back after...You knew that he would have put up a strong fight, though. Which of these lowlifes could have taken him on? Maybe there were more villains at this other facility. But how would they contain him? Would it be similar to the restraints they used on you?

You took a deep breath, refocusing.

"Why'd you take us?"

"To put it bluntly, we took you, because we can use your power. Not that you have anything on us, we could use a little extra firepower at the moment." the man smiled, holding up the portrait of Shouto out again. "We only took him, to persuade you to do so."

You felt your stomach sink.


A hostage.

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