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"War is coming,

I can hear it in my heart.

Blood will flow

along the grounds of the innocent.

I can't deceive the darkness anymore...

I'm letting go, I'm losing control of myself..."

. . .

(Winters hears them before she could even see them.

A blood-chilling, hissing sort of noise.


She was barely awake when she rolls out of the bed and fell straight to the floor, luckily dodging said creature in time as it lunges toward where she had been laying on just half a second ago.

Her eyes snaps open as she hastily scrambles to push herself up and back, enough time for her to catch a glimpse of the shimmering scales of the drakon against what little light there is in her room. It turns to the sound of her frantic movements, hissing menacingly, venom dripping dangerously around its outrageously large, fanged maw.

Winters felt her heart seizing up in her chest as she stares, her mind blanking in sheer terror at the sight of the gigantic sea-serpent coiling about in her bed.

The drakon was huge, about 30 or 40 meters in length, if she's not mistaken, perhaps even bigger than that as it practically took up much space in her room. And no doubt too heavy as her bed soon crashed into half the more it writhed about.

A golden crest rested on top of its head and a triple-forked tongue peeking dangerously. How on earth did it even managed to squeeze inside her room without anyone noticing...?!

At the sight of the drakon now looking at her in the eye, clearly watching her every move, Winters barely manages to snap out of it and get out of the way when the monster suddenly charges straight at her with a hissing roar.

She can hear it slithering and hissing behind her as she runs out of her room, barely slamming the door close when the drakon forcefully wedged itself in, snarling and hissing at her.

With a frightened scream, Winters tears through the hallways, left and right whenever she feels the drakon about to lunge for her again, the relentless beating of her socked feet thumps on the floor, making her almost slip here and there as she hurriedly pushes on.

Dad and William.

She had to get away from this thing and find them! She had to alert them that a monster somehow got into their house.

She can't let this thing get anywhere near them–!

Winters was only fortunate enough to trip at the last moment, with the drakon crashing through and over the railing before toppling down the first floor when it lunged for her head once more.

And as she hears the unmistakable sound of its ginormous body crashing all the way down, it was only there and then she finally registered the scent of burning wood and ash all around her. The sting of smoke in her eyes.

The sound of crackling fire.

Knees trembling and eyes wide as she meekly dared to peer down over the railing... Winters can only stare in horror as she sees nothing but a thick, dark smoke and brief sparks of fire hissing from down below. 

DESCENT II: MADNESSWhere stories live. Discover now