ACT III - CHAPTER 17: Amidst the veil

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"My brother appears so rough and gruff

But really he is a powder puff.

He puts on a good front

And occasionally lets out a grunt.

But one thing for sure I know

To him, I can always go

I am thankful for this man."

Kate Summers

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You know... when Alastor was informed a few weeks ago that they'd be going to Japan, he was almost this close to dancing in glee. Because, I mean, oh come on, it's JAPAN. FREAKING JAPAN, PEOPLE!

Don't get him started with the anime or the festive...! Or, or the cosplaying conventions itself, but the culture! The sights! The food (just the thought of having the real deal is enough to make his mouth water)! Japan had always been one of the top five countries Alastor had been dreaming and planning to go to someday... and the fact that it was with his mate was worlds better!


Alastor resists the urge to sigh out loud (William had kicked at his shin a dozen times to shut him up because he's ruining the kid's hype) as he slouches in front of the laptop plopped at the dining table.

The screen was showing a re-run of the anime he had already watched from last night but only opted to stare at again because William has absolutely no idea that Alastor had watched it without him... because William was busy last night with a ghost-hunt that practically took him all the way to Nagoya.

That's like, one of the top ten ultimate bro betrayals. Ah well, best to keep his mouth shut about it. What the kid didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

But now...

The door opened, Winters stepping through, not even looking at the two of them even as Alastor's head visibly perks up at the sight of her, smile wide and mouth opening to say hello... before proceeding to deflate again in his seat when she only went straight to her room, the door closing noiselessly behind her.

Don't get him wrong, Japan is still awesome.

He's having a good time, really... it's just...Alastor had honestly assumed they'd still have time together to... do just about anything. Even the times they shared a meal together has become nonexistent these past few days.

Was Winters even eating at this point?

Okay, so maybe she was the one who ate half of the brownies (or as William had claimed, never mind the glaringly obvious evidence that were still left on the side of his face) Alastor had made and left in the fridge for them but that's beside the point. That's not even a proper substitute for dinner.

Her bedroom door opens again.

This time, Alastor tries not to look too obvious that he had been watching her move around at this point as she grabs the coat she had left hanging by the living room before putting it on, the buttons swiftly being moved to proper place with gloved fingers as she paces back and forth... then, his gaze strayed on the sword tied at her waist.


The god of death. still boggled him sometimes, no matter how much he had tried to wrack his brain because how the actual fuck can an actual deity managed to be sealed inside a weapon. And as her sword, nonetheless. I mean, like, why? What's up with that?

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