ACT V - CHAPTER 41: Under the falling snow

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"They watched the snow fall and fall and fall until they thought that they were the ones falling."

―Ann Patchett

. . .

Not even five minutes later, the powdery white snow crunched underneath their boots as they walked together the streets of Tokyo with no real destination in mind, the air around them a companiable silence. Unlike most people, Alastor found that they could just work as well without making too much small talk.

Although it would have been preferable.

He kind of likes hearing her talk...

But ah, this is still progress in his book. And after everything, Alastor thinks that the two of them are finally now on the same page, for once. Her gloved hand engulfed within his own was a pretty solid proof of that.

Alastor couldn't quite hide his smile.

"It must be too cold for the others right now," he noted, looking around them. And now that he mentioned it, it was true. Not many people crossed their path.

And the few who did seemed only intent on getting back into their own warm homes or other establishments rather quickly in lieu of being out in the cold far longer than necessary as the snow was something out of the blue.

Winters only hums in answer.

Once they had wandered around far enough from the hotel and there were no building anywhere near in sight to provide them proper protection against the constant icy breeze (not like it really bothered the two of them), Alastor quickly realized they had somehow found themselves somewhere near an open field... a school's playground from the looks of it.

Otherwise, it was relatively deserted.

Alastor instinctively sticks closer to his mate's side when he felt her hovering close by. Even though she had been the one to remind him to get a coat, Winters hasn't really bothered wearing a scarf or even a hat.

And now, the snow stubbornly clings to her hair.

...She looks like she has a halo of white.

Or glitters on her hair.

Clicking his tongue, Alastor gently patted some of the powdery white off of her. It didn't even melt against her, only stubbornly clinging against the thick strands of her hair, a clear testament of just how cold it is.

"Does the cold affect you?"

"The cold never bothered me anyway."

He paused, "...Was that a movie reference?"

"No. That was a fact."

The dryness in her voice was quite at odds with the amused glimmer in her eyes. And it didn't even give Alastor a second to burst out laughing, giving her hair one last pat as he did, "Eh, hahaha, okay. That's cool. I just wanted to see this with you actually."

"You know we could just watch from a window?"

"Experiencing it is different from just seeing," he retorts.

"Well, aren't you cold?" Winters asked, brows raising as she looked at him from head to toe, "...maybe you should have worn earmuffs or something more... warmer?"

"Look who's talking," he teased.

Compared to him, Winters was wearing her usual black trench coat and gloves. At least, Alastor has a scarf and a knit cap (that he found stuff in his coat's pocket) on him. She's practically underdressed for the weather.

"I just told you that the weather doesn't affect me."

"And I'm fine, Winters," Alastor insisted, waving a dismissive hand. At the look on her face, Alastor can feel a charmed grin immediately making its way to his face, "Actually... did you know that wolves do quite well during the winter season? It's actually warm temperatures that usually bothers us, especially when we had to shift."

She blinks, "It's because of all that fur, isn't it?"

Alastor nods, giving her a double thumbs up. "Bingo! You see, regular wolves are equipped with a double coat of fur, which allows them to endure temperatures as low as -40°F... although I haven't really tried going for something that cold myself. But don't worry, I'll be fine, Winters."

She only hums in response, yet her shoulders visibly relaxed a bit, making Alastor chuckle, squeezing her hand appreciatively. Winters really had been worried about him, hadn't she?

How cute.

"Besides," he continued, before stopping.

As if on cue, Winters stopped as well, staring at him curiously, and Alastor nodded at the landscape around them—most of the snow that has already fallen still untouched, pristine, and pure in its glittering white brightness. Here, the entire world was still and silent like a landscape painting... a real winter wonderland come to life.

"'s beautiful, isn't it?"

There was no answer at that, and when the silence has gone long enough that it made Alastor look back, half-wondering to himself what has gotten her so unresponsive yet again.

But much to Alastor's surprise, Winters was only staring at him when their gazes met, her eyes crinkling a bit as she no doubt, caught his initial confusion. There was a real, proper smile curling at the edges of her lips, making her face appear gentler, a whole lot softer amidst the glow of the streetlights.

The snow and stars above them, witnessing.

Reaching out to tuck the scarf more firmly around his neck, gloved knuckles brushing over his cheek as she did—a faint chill against his too-warm skin—Winters finally answered:

"It is. Thank you, Alastor." 

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