ACT II - CHAPTER 15: The Pawn

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"To the angel of death, we are all like chess pieces on the chessboard."

―Mwanandeke Kindembo

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It's been hours.

Hours of standing there, in that faculty office.

He lost count of the time he had wasted as he stared blankly past the teacher's face, more focused on the goldfishes swimming idly by in the aquarium than the words thrown at him.

Idiots, the lot of them.

A simple 'thank you' would have sufficed.

But noooo.

No matter, as soon as he's done being lectured by his aggravated teachers (even though they tried so hard to hide how grateful they truly were about being responsible for that arrogant pest's indefinite absence), he quickly made his way to the roof, glad that there weren't many people out and about to bother him.

He didn't want to keep her waiting.

It's bad manners, as his Mum used to say.

Unfortunately, he has to linger by the door of the school's rooftop—that he had to kick open because it was locked—waiting and watching the setting sun for a few more minutes before he deems it finally safe enough to step in the moment the skies grew dark enough for him to do so.

Despite being on the rooftop, he noted how there was no wind to be found... even if it was supposedly windy season in this country as he smoothly kneeled down to one knee, "It's done, milady."

"...Is he aware?"

"Yes," he nodded, "I confirmed it."

The panic on that brat's face was enough proof.

Although he just still couldn't quite figure out how that brat (well, sure, he can sense said brat had some divine blood running on his veins, no matter how meager and watered down) was supposedly important in the grand scheme of things.

She may have her reasons.

One of them being why he was spared.

No. Why he was chosen.

"You smell of blood not yours again," her voice remarks, immediately breaking him away from his thoughts. And Buck couldn't quite stop himself from grimacing at the sudden observation, "...need I remind you again that these people are off-limits?"

If possible, the temperature dropped.

Had he also mentioned there was no wind?

"No, milady," he dipped his head even further in supplication to the direction where he believed her voice was coming from, "I understand perfectly that these br—I mean students," he hastily corrected himself, "...aren't for eating."


"One of the students came on to me, looking for a fight, I simply saw it fit to defend myself is all. That is how I was able to encounter one of your pawns," Buck paused, his brows furrowing in thought as he recalled the look on Eiji Kashima's face.


"Well... he, uh, didn't seem... pleased."

There was a soft huff, a faint laugh.

Despite himself, Buck found himself smirking.

Now, that's a nice sound.

"...what of the damage?"

"Other than a few bruises, there was a broken nose and a fractured rib. I held myself back, of course, but the student was still hospitalized in the end."

"Was that necessary?"

"Milady, if I may be frank..." when there was no interruption (and no limbs have been detached as a warning), Buck hurriedly continued, "I would like to ask for you not to concern yourself with the likes of such insignificant ants, I swear I'll handle it on my own should he or anyone prove to be a further nuisance to your plans."

She hummed, a considering sound.

"That boy is a menace... although there is truly no point in disposing of an ignorant child," her voice sounded thoughtful, but otherwise indifferent of the beings she sought to defend from the likes of him.

How curious.

"Very well," she finally conceded, at length, " as you see fit but stay to the shadows and keep to yourself. For the time being."

Buck was skeptical at first, but the shadows had come in handy to let him move, albeit limitedly (it was still better than nothing since it had been so long since he was able to bask under the morning sun) as he performed his role during the day.

He was also quite pleased to be the first of his kind to do so. Not even the King of Vampires was exempted from the curse of being bound to move in the cover of darkness, after all.

"So... until you needed me again, milady?"

Another laugh, this one a touch colder.

"Such arrogance. Let me remind you, then..."

He winced.

"...I do not need you."

He lowered his head, "Of course. Forgive me, I... I misspoke."

"Till then, don't kill anyone," she says, voice mellowing out back to its unnatural indifference, sounding almost exasperated, "...other than that, Japan is yours. Do not disappoint me."

She did not need to tell him twice.

Buck's grin widened, "Thank you, milady."

He turned and left as soon as the winds appeared.

It's time to eat. Time to feast.


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