ACT II - CHAPTER 7: These little things with you...

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"Being happy isn't having everything in your life be perfect. Maybe it's about stringing together all the little things."

Ann Brashares

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"Winters! Hurry up, the groceries aren't just going to buy themselves, you know!" Alastor gestured impatiently to the path ahead; more or less dragging her along with him to the direction of the market.

"...and I can walk, you know." Proserpina reminded him in a pointedly quiet voice, mindful of the amused gazes thrown their way, her face flushing brightly in embarrassment despite her dry tone. This is one of the many times she hated being so pale.

What was wrong with walking at a normal pace, anyway? It wasn't as if they were in a rush to buy... whatever it was he's planning to get in the market or if there's going to be a long line at the counter, Alastor made sure he had successfully dragged her out of the house in a far too early hour to avoid that scenario. Then again, he could have just shopped online which was far more convenient, mind you–

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..."

Proserpina's eyes visibly widened when Alastor suddenly clasped her by the arm and proceeded to drag her along to match his brisk stride as though she was some sort of an unruly child in need of guidance lest she wanders off.

The irony of how Warren Veil had handled William whenever he was particular being difficult all those years ago wasn't lost to her. No wonder William had fussed (and even kicked) a lot back then.

When they got back to the house a few minutes ago, Proserpina had made the mistake of asking if Alastor still needed to buy something before they leave for Japan—she simply asked out of courtesy and since she had wrongfully assumed that the answer would be a no, that he had already brought everything he'd like.

...Which leads them to this.

This, with Alastor more or less shoving her inside the market.

For 'grocery shopping' no less.

Should she remind him that she didn't really need to eat? But then again, that would be quite counterproductive since the act of eating was one of the very limited joys she had left in life.

The goddess of shadows resisted the urge to slump her shoulders as she sighed under her breath, lamenting her decision of going out together with him at this hour (she just literally returned straight from another continent, right from another mission at that. She wanted a hot shower, a nap and maybe a good book or two... at least some peace and quiet for a few moments sounds wonderful. Was that really too much to ask?)

Proserpina seriously should have just stayed in, no matter how amusing Alastor's antics are. Or how guilty she was at unintentionally ghosting him for what seemed to be the nth time. Better yet, she should have just kept her mouth shut.

Resigning herself to her fate (she really brought this on herself), Proserpina allowed Alastor to pull her this way and that, much to the amusement of other people—and much to her mortification, the sweet-looking grandma she and William had seen from time to time, who was most likely out for a morning stroll even gushed on them being 'my, such a lovely couple!'.

Gaea, please open the earth and take me with you.

Completely unaware (or perhaps uncaring) of his companion's apparent lack of enthusiasm, Alastor merrily skipped towards one of the carts at the grocery store.

"Hey Winters!" "

She turns to look at him, expression flat.

"Check this out!" he says, beaming.

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