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"I felt like an animal, and animals don't know sin, do they?" -Jess C. Scott.

It turned out that ignoring Jungkook's phone calls for two additional days after his first (yes, first) voicemail was a better plan that he'd thought.

He was furious with Taehyung, often ranting to himself in his office or to his friends while he watched without him knowing.

Jungkook's frustration was Taehyung's elation and he indulged in his misery over him treating him differently to the rest.

Jungkook had even taken to sending Hoseok, his security guard, to keep a look out for Taehyung in the mornings, should be run past there.

Something Taehyung also ceased in his plan of teaching him a well deserved lesson. It had all worked out, absence making the heart grow fonder, or in this case, Jungkook's frustration growing harder, and by the third day of Taehyung fielding his calls, he'd realized he'd punished him enough.

Jungkook had been behaving perfectly, after all.

Taehyung had taken to watching him from another sectioned part of his house that looked into his living room better. He waited for another random blonde bitch to walk in had been in vain, because Jungkook hadn't fucked anybody in nearly five days, apparently too pissed off to function right, if you caught the drift.

Taehyung had cackled like a mad man at the thought of Jungkook not getting it up because he was too busy being mad at him. Really, it served him fucking right for having ignored Taehyung, for having taken not one, but four goddamn women to bed and then fucking Gina, his sister's slut friend, all in a matter of days.

Really, Jungkook had no one to blame but himself, and one day Taehyung would remind him of this and he'd see he was right. If not, then Taehyung would make him see it his way, but that was besides the point.

"Taehyung, there's a breech in the system. Someone's trying to access the mainframe, you have about a minute window open, that work for you?"

Came the abrupt shouting into Taehyung's ear piece from his boss, Gwen. Her sharp tone and loud command dissipated his thoughts and he went from day dreaming about Jungkook to actually doing what he was paid for.

The six monitors lines on Taehyung's desk all flashed with the impending warning that yes, somebody was trying to hack and effectively erase all the companies hard drive files.

Taehyung's eyes squinted and he drummed his fingers against the edge of his desk, watching as the screens started to black out one by one, a sequence of numbers and letters all following into an encrypted code that would slowly disintegrate the system from the inside.

"Taehyung, why aren't I hearing anything from you?" Michael, another co worker of his, shouted in his ear, no doubt panicking over his monitor looking like his did.

"I'm giving them a head start," Taehyung mused quietly, humming to himself calmly while everyone around him continued to freak out.

Taehyung would've been highly insulted had he not known what he was doing, so he let them panic and he let whoever was trying to fuck with his monitors think they had a chance.

"Less than a minute, Taehyung. Move your ass!"

Taehyung's earpiece continued getting sharp shouts from various people in the office, all varying in worries and moods.

He ignored them all, clicked off his ear piece and tossed it into the desk, then with expert precision and skill, he started moving his fingers against the keyboard.

His concentration was centered at decoding the square root of the numbers popping up onto his screen, the mathematic formula child's play for somebody who knew numbers like him.

50 SHADES DARKER ;; TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now