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“Thunderstar! Thunderstar! We need to go to the Moonpool! It is important! You, me and all the apprentices, we have to go, NOW!” Goldenpaw begged. “I was going to take you guys to the Moonpool after you had some training, why is it so urgent Goldenpaw? Can’t we go tomorrow after your assessment? Thunderstar asked, bewildered. “Listen, Starclan needs us to go, Thunderstar.'' Goldenpaw raced out of the leaders den and into the Warriors den. "Squirrelfur! We need to go to the Moonpool! It's urgent!" Before her mentor even had time to answer, she rushed off to Berryheart’s den for some travelling herbs. “Gingerpaw! Moonpaw! Muzzlepaw! We are going to the Moonpool! Come on!” yowled Squirrelfur, they were up on their paws at once. "Yay! We finally get to go to the Moonpool! But isn’t it a little early?" Moonpaw asked, jumping up and down on his toes.  Squirrelfur meowed, “Goldenpaw says it's urgent, now go grab some herbs from Berryheart” Squirrelstar dipped her head, lying on the ground beneath her was some Daisy petals and Burnet. Enough for 6 cats to travel to the Moonpool, There were 5 leaves of each herb. And in a flash of golden fur, they were all dealt out to the cats. “I guess, we go now?” meowed Gingerpaw. They all nodded the obvious and gulped down their herbs. The bitter tasting leaves ached in her stomach for a bit, but the grumbling didn’t last long. It will be a long journey, but worth the walk. Why could Hollypaw need to see Goldenpaw to see so badly?

  Since all cats were granted a safe passage to the Moonpool, Goldenpaw led the cats through Windclan territory. And headed down the spiral path towards the sacred cave where the Moonpool’s still water lays. The cats stopped in their tracks after hours of forest and prey. A flower could have bloomed in all that time! A dark stone cave towered above them. Squirrelfur was the first to step inside the pitch black tunnel. The apprentices quickly stumbled after their leader, their pelts shivering with fear. “C’mon, keep up.” meowed Goldenpaw desperately, the only apprentice that wasn’t trembling in their pelt. Then, she caught a whiff of a fresh, green scent. Muzzlepaw squinted as a glowing light flooded the cave. The apprentices yowled in fear as Squirrelfur padded into the light, for she had had experience at the Moonpool. The apprentices knew they had to follow their leader. Mrow! Silence took place. The next thing she knew, Goldenpaw was staring at crystal clear water. It was as still as Silverpelt. Her reflection glittered in the Moonpool. Squirrelfur leaned over the glistening pool and touched her nose to the water. All the apprentices started to do the same. Goldenpaw watched as the ferns around the mystical pond seemed to glow impatiently, as if they were urging her to speak with Starclan. Finally, Goldenpaw dipped her head down and touched the pool with her nose. Goldenpaw almost jumped out of her fur when she put her muzzle to the pool. She thought that it would be warm and welcoming, like Starclan, but instead, the pool was cold and still. Suddenly, Goldenpaw started to feel light headed, her eyes closed slowly as her body went limp.
“Welcome, Goldenpaw!” Boomed an unfamiliar voice. “H-hello? Who is there?” “Don’t worry, Goldenpaw.” “Who are you?” Goldenpaw asked. “My name is Redstripe, Hollypaw is waiting for you.” As the unfamiliar voice boomed again, a figure stepped into the light. “Father?” She stared in disbelief. The striped warrior nodded briefly.  "And I brought Spotpaw to give you proof." He stepped to the side. “Spotkit? Who’s she?” Goldenpaw didn't know anyone named Spotkit. “Goldenpaw. I am now an apprentice of Starclan, soon to become a warrior.” Goldenpaw suspected it was Hollypaw talking, but a small apprentice stepped out from the forest. Golden with a red spot on her muzzle, she spoke again, “I am your sister.”
Goldenpaw stared in disbelief, her father, then her sister, who’s next? “The apprentices, you and Squirrelfur are in great danger.” mewed Redstripe urgently. As soon as he said that, Goldenpaw saw blue eyes flashing in the trees, then hundreds of blue, intimidating eyes blinked all around her. Hollypaw’s scent rose up her nostrils. “ A clan cat you trust will turn your clan against you.” said
Hollypaw’s voice. “ IT’S TIME TO GO!” Goldenpaw woke instantly. The Moonpool didn’t seem that magical anymore as its glitter seemed to fade… She finally knows what was in store for her. Those visions were something, her dreams were something, her suspicions were true.
Woodfur was gonna destroy the clan. She needed to find the Lion in the prophecy quick.

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