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The forest trees and bracken surrounded her. Her tawny golden body was glowing in the warm sun as Goldenpaw crouched down. She stretched out her front paws, searching and listening for any clues that prey would be around. Suddenly a new yummy scent drifted toward her in the humid air. The apprentice looked side to side cautiously. She didn't scent her mentor, so she stalked towards it. Goldenpaw ignored the sounds of a mouse nibbling seeds on top of a tree root and the scent of a bunny, rustling in the bushes. She stepped forward, the weird odour brought her to a large fence. A twoleg nest. She thought curiously. She thought some more about the thunderpaths and twolegs, the fur on her back lifted, she yowled in fear, her ears flattened in alarm! A vision shot into her mind like a squirrel shooting up a tree, the thunderpath, cats yowling from her clan, then, in this terrible sight blood clogged her eyes. She woke up from her mysterious daydream with her fur on end and her spine arched. Uh Oh, she thought. The sweet scent of Squirrelfur clouded her nostrils. Better head back, don't want Squirrelfurto see me here. The vision still had her trembling as Goldenpaw turned from the wall. Then, she realised that she didn't know the way home. Her orange eyes widened with panic as the huge pine trees seemed to close in on her. She remembered the stories that the elders would tell her about the rogues that have been wandering around. Already shaken from her vision she yowled, "Squirrelfur? Are you still there?!" Sqirrelfur shot down a sky scraping birch tree head first on her way down and landed swiftly on her paws a fox length away from her. "It's alright, little one. I am here. You had a pretty good hunting crouch but you stalked the wrong thing. You were supposed to stalk a mouse or a rabbit. Never go there again." Squirrelfur meowed with an angry look on her face. Squirrelfur has always known not to go near the Twolegplace, and seeing an apprentice about to go to it really ticked her off. "If you are still loyal to your clan then you won't even stalk prey where the kittypets live!" I hope Gingerpaw is having better luck with Firefur. She thought with a 'humph' in her breath as the two cats padded home.

"I'm sorry Squirrelfur, I didn't know." Goldenpaw meowed, feeling guilty. "It's alright little one." Squirrelfur sighed, realising she might have gone a little too hard on a first day apprentice. "Now you know not to head that way. And it is your first day as an apprentice, I wouldn't expect you, or your brother, Gingerpaw, to know that at all. But now you know. Never go to twolegplace. Has any of the elders told you what happened when Graystripe saved some of your clanmates' mothers and fathers?"  "No." "Well then, let me tell you the story. Some of my Thunderclan got captured by twolegs." Goldenpaw sat down leaning forward with interest and she tucked her paws under her white chest. "A senior warrior Graystripe got swallowed by a huge monster after he tried to save them. He got taken to a dark den where cats and dogs live in cages with horrid twolegs. He was there for a long time. Who knows what those twolegs could have done to him if he didn't escape." Goldenpaw shivered. The two cats padded through the tall pines back to camp. "I feel guilty Squirrelfur, but..." Goldenpaw thought she should tell Squirrelfur about her vision, but as she tried her fur felt hot and she started panting continuously. Suddenly, she didn't wanna tell her anymore." What did you say, Goldenpaw?" asked Squirrelfur, still looking straight ahead. Like she didn't care at all what she was saying. " Uhh, nothing. It's nothing at all."

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