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Goldenpaw, Hollypaw! What happened?” Squirrelstar demanded Goldenpaw was too shocked to speak. “Badger” she muttered through her friend’s scruff.  Just then, Gingerpaw ran over to her to try to comfort Goldenpaw. “ Oh… not Hollypaw, not her.” mewed Gingerpaw with tears running down the fur on his cheeks. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather around Hollypaw’s body to send her to Starclan!” meowed Squirrelstar. As the clan gathered, Hollypaw’s closest family and friends raced out and gathered at the front of the crowd. Springtail and the apprentices were the first ones to come.

“My kit, how- no!” Springtail couldn’t believe what had happened. She fell down to the ground, making her whie fur seem brown, then, she turned to Goldenpaw with feelings of grief and anger on her face. “ How could you let this happen?” Berryheart bounded quickly over to the queen before she could say anything more to Goldenpaw. “Take these” Se nudged some poppy seeds towards Springtail. The queen licked Hollypaw’s twisted stomach. “I will never forget you.” She crunched slowly on the seeds and walked back to her den, still not taking her eyes off Hollypaw. “Hollypaw was a loyal apprentice and a good  example for the kits.” Squirrelstar started.  “ She was an amazing and loyal apprentice.” “ And a great Clanmate to us all.” Gingerpaw meowed. Goldenpaw wouldv’e said the same, but she couldn't speak at all, she couldn’t even shut her eyes. As the rest of the clan said their words of grief, Goldenpaw and Gingerpaw began to groom Hollypaw for the last time. Hollupaw’s white and brown fur stuck to her tongue as she silently gave her words of grief to her friend. “ Hollypaw, I will always miss you, you will always be in my heart. I will come and see you one day” Goldenpaw’s griefing crowded her mind and she didn't take her nose off her friend’s muzzle.

The elders came to take her body to the burial place.  “Don’t take her away from me! Please!” Dappleheart glanced back at her slowly, as if she was sorry this had happened. “Please, don’t” Goldenpaw, mewed with shock and sadness. She felt paralysed with  sorrow. Goldenpaw couldn't take the anger for the badger that swirled inside of her. All her sadness was swept away with a wave of rage. She stomped over to Squirrelstar’s den and shoved past the lichen that covered the entrance.''Squirrelstar!” she yowled, showing out her wild fury. Squirrelstar leaped out of her nest and stared confusedly at Goldenpaw. ”Let me lead a patrol to kill the badger.”

    Squirrelstar looked like she was finding the right words.“Well, it’s just that, apprentices can’t lead patrols…” Squirrelstar wasn’t sure about what to do as Goldenpaw mewed out her point as fast as running water. “Hollypaw was my best friend and when I saw that badger finish her, I didn’t do anything to help. I couldn’t even move when that badger bit her. So at least let me help now. Please, Squirrelstar.” “You are a new apprentice. I don’t think you should go. You saw what happened with Hollypaw. I don’t want that to happen to you. We are very short on apprentices now that Hollypaw is gone, and we need new warriors. I understand your anger but be reasonable Goldenpaw. Those are my last words.” Squirrelstar finished. As Goldenpaw stomped out of her den, her heart stabbed with regret and pain. Now uncontrollable fury flooded her as she thought of a terrible plan. She went to the other apprentices, Moonpaw, Gingerpaw and Muzzlepaw. They gathered together under the bracken in the shadows where no cat would see them. Goldenpaw poured out all her feelings in her words. “We will kill that badger in revenge for taking our friend away from us.”

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