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As they padded back toward camp, Goldenpaw had a thought, "What if that vision is real, what if it is the future" In her vision, the light went out and the blue moon was slowley fading to nothingness. Blood was everywhere and cats fought. But there was this one cat, who she thought was the saviour to save them all. His fur goldenbrown, bright green eyes and smelled like something she has never smelled before. All of a sudden, a loud booming voice echoed in her head. "My dear Goldenpaw, listen closley, 'In the clan of the mountain, a lion will be born. Whene the Blue Moon fades, darkness will rise. The Great Ancestors, those all high and mighty say, A time of war will begin.'" A peircing head ache shot through her head and she knelt down and covered her head with her paws. "Goldenpaw! Goldenpaw, what happened!" Squirrelfur squatted down and looked into her eyes. "My head!" Goldenpaw yowled before she collapsed on the ground unconscious.

"Don't worry Squirrelfur, she is fine." A faint voice was talking in the background. "She just passed out from the pain." Her head was hurting her so bad and she just wanted to sleep, but she knew that she needed water. "Squirrelfur?" She said faintly, "I need water." "Of course little one. Of course." Squirrelfur padded way and came back with a water soaked mossball. "Drink up little one." Goldenpaw drank and drank and drank untill she felt dizzy and had to lie down and rest.

  "Goldenpaw? Goldenpaw? Wake up There is a clan meeting right now." Goldenpaw was so sleepy that she didn't even bother to respond to Gingerpaw's voice. "C'mon Gingerpaw. Really?" "Yep, C'mon snooze tail!" her teasing brother told her. Gingerpaw is her best friend and brother, the only one that was her true friends and understood her. Her ears pricked as she heard the meows of her clanmates outside. She struggled to get up and padded over to the highrock with Gingerpaw. At that moment, Yellowstripe padded out of the bramble with a squirrel under his nose. And sure enough, Hollypaw was following behind her mentor. "Hollypaw! Over here!" meowed Goldenpaw. Hollypaw was Goldenpaw's lifelong friend, they had playfighted and been in the nursery together since they opened their eyes. "So, how did it go? Did you catch anything?" Hollypaw asked excitedly with a happy grin on her face as she bounded over to the two. "Nothing, but I did smell a few new scents when I went to the border!" Goldenpaw explained the head ache and the medicine den and everything that happened." Really? Cool! The patrol just got back from the border, but are you ok?" asked Hollypaw. Goldenpaw looked surprised. Had she really slept as long as a patrol? "Sleepyhead, you're as lazy as Moonpaw!" yowled Hollypaw, with a chuckle in her voice. "Hey!" screeched a grey tom from the other side of the crowd. Goldenpaw felt annoyed, twice she had been teased about sleeping too long! But at the same time, she knew that Moonpaw must have had it more than seven times. Thunderstar yowled out urgently for the rest of the clan to stop their chatter. A look of worry darted across her mentor's face. Goldenpaw knew this was gonna be bad news. And by the look on her friend's and brother's faces, it looked like they knew it too. 

"Cats of Thunderclan, I just got news from a patrol that there was a badger making a burrow in our territory." Meows of worry started from the clan. Three trembling kits popped their heads out of the nursery entrance. "Where?!" "Is it hunting here?" "Did the patrol get hurt!?" "HUSH!" mewed Thunderstar desperately, glaring angrily at the little cats. Sorrelpelt dragged her kits by the scruff back into the nursery, apology glittering in her eyes. "We need to act now so it doesn't get comfortable here. I want my deputy to stay and take care of the clan." Woodfur nodded shortly. Goldenpaw looked at the brown, muscular warrior, she admired his strength and power. He was always on the lookout for something unusual. In the blink of an eye, Woodfur was looking straight at her. His icy glare was enough to make a Thunderclan warrior run off. He may be just a little intimidating. Goldenpaw dropped her head at once and started to focus more on her leader's words. "Everyone, if the badger gets into the camp, defend the queens and elders. Make sure queens stay on guard for their kits and I want absolutely NO apprentices going out there alone. Woodfur, set up more patrols around Sunningrocks, where the badger is. But we will need some warriors at camp if it invades. Have I made myself clear?" The cats around her nodded their understanding. The flick of their leader's tail was a sign that they were dismissed.

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