Game Developer [11.12]

Start from the beginning

Other shareholders also think Xi Rui's words of avoiding responsibility are not those of a mature person. Because of his poor decision-making, the company was forced to face a crisis. Even if Xi Le is now their competitor, blaming the opponent for failure is something only a spoiled child would do, not something a company president should do.

Zheng Yongren stood up and said, "I believe that in order for the company to survive this crisis, it must first appoint a person who is capable of solving the situation. Today, there isn't going to be any discussion. We request that the chairman come to the company tomorrow to hold a proper meeting."

"I agree with Mr. Zheng. The company's interests are the interests of all shareholders. If no one is actually capable of leading the company through this crisis, we will all end up at someone's funeral." Another shareholder, who has always been on Zheng Yongren's side, spoke up as well.

"I also agree with Mr. Zheng that the most crucial step in resolving the situation is to find someone who is capable of doing so." Another one spoke out.

"The company's ability to continue and develop smoothly will be determined at tomorrow's meeting. Please consider it in your heart." After speaking, Zheng Yongren left the meeting room.

One by one, they also left the meeting room. Even those who had previously supported Xi Guangshan and Xi Rui did not stick around to help Xi Rui come up with ideas or to encourage him and declare they would continue to back him. After all, things are linked to their own interests, and no one is great enough to put others' interests ahead of their own.

In the conference room, only Xi Rui and Du Jie remained. Du Jie was technically unqualified to attend the shareholders meeting. Xi Guangshan was the one who offered Du Jie some shares so that Xi Rui could have a trustworthy helper in the company. However, due to Du Jie's little share, qualifications, and contribution to the company, he is not qualified to speak at such meetings.

Their message is clearly clear. They want to replace Xi Rui as the president and re-elect someone who is qualified for the job.

Even those who previously backed Xi Rui have abandoned him. Xi Rui's heart aches, and his teeth are on the verge of biting and bleeding. He was replaced as president not long after taking office. This will not only be the worst humiliation of his life, but it will also make him a laughingstock to others. He can't stand such humiliation.

Du Jie persuaded Xi Rui, who was trembling all over, "You don't need to be too upset since we don't know what will happen in the end. It is possible that the chairman can keep your job as president. After all, the chairman is the company's most powerful decision-maker and the biggest shareholder."

Xi Rui abruptly raised his head, looking ferociously, and said, "I don't deserve this. I don't want to be president!"

What Xi Rui unexpectedly said made Du Jie taken aback, he assumed that Xi Rui had other plans. "What do you want to do?"

"If they don't want me to be president, there's no reason for this company to exist. I will let them know what regrets are!" Xi Rui seemed to have made the most important decision of his life, his gaze fierce and firm.


Jing Yang was lying in bed, watching the news on his phone. He had no intention of getting up even though it was nearly noon. Jing Yang believes that in this life, he would be a shut-in tech savvy person. So, things like not exercising early in the morning or sleeping until midday are acceptable.

He Lang did not spend the night at Jing Yang yesterday. He called Jing Yang three times before getting a response. Jing Yang fell asleep again after talking with him and didn't wake up until noon.

Jing Yang's living habits were well known to He Lang, and he knew that if he wasn't around, Jing Yang would never get up to have breakfast. If he wakes up later, he might skip breakfast and instead have some fruit while waiting for dinner.

So, after rushing through the work in the morning, He Lang went to Jing Yang's house to bring him lunch, lest he damage his stomach due to irregular meals.

He Lang asked the assistant to leave, took the items in by himself, placed everything on the dining table, and headed into Jing Yang's room.

Jing Yang remained in bed, staring at his phone. He Lang patted his smooth thigh as he opened the quilt. "Get up quick, it's lunchtime."

"Hold on a second, let me finish reading this stuff." Jing Yang remained motionless.

"Get up quickly or the food will be cold." He Lang dragged Jing Yang up and held him all the way to the bathroom.

Jing Yang put his feet around his waist and laid on his shoulders when He Lang pulled him, continuing to read the remaining bit of content on the phone.

He Lang entered the bathroom, sat Jing Yang down, and Jing Yang handed him the phone before brushing his teeth and washing his face.

He looked down at the phone and noticed that Jing Yang was reading an article about Xi Sheng Company. He stuffed the phone into his trouser pocket and hugged Jing Yang from behind without saying anything.

While brushing his teeth, Jing Yang felt He Lang's hand brush across his underwear. With foam in his mouth, he bent over and pushed it back, saying faintly, "Don't make trouble."

He Lang's arms tightened, preventing Jing Yang from twisting his waist, while his other hand continued to move.

Jing Yang spat the foam from his mouth, rinsed it out with clean water, rested his hands on the sink; his breath getting quick. "Didn't you say the food would be cold?"

"It'll be done soon, very soon," He Lang whispered in Jing Yang's ear.

"You, quickshot!" Jing Yang scoffed angrily.

He Lang laughs, "I'm upset. Aren't you the one who knows best about it?"

"Asshole!" Jing Yang's expression was restrained, and he lowered his head to avoid looking at himself in the mirror. "Let go of me..."

"It seems that it will take a while; just wait." He Lang quickened his hand.

"..." Jing Yang had already lost his ability to speak due to the current on his body, and he could only let He Lang take control.

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