Chapter Fifteen

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"It's crazy what they brought down on Will

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"It's crazy what they brought down on Will. And half the school is ready to Million Man March for him." Alexandria said with a laugh as she and Carlton walked down the hallway.

"Yes, I get it. He's our beloved hero." Carlton said sarcastically.

"Don't be like that Carlton. So you want to talk about the protest?" Alexandria asked causing Carlton to sigh.

"I know people are saying that I tanked the speech on purpose, but that's not true, all right? I had a-a panic attack. And I know it sounds like an excuse..."

Cutting him off  Alexandria started, "You don't have to explain yourself to me. I saw you. And I know what it looks like, remember?"

"Hey, Lex." Demetrius called causing her and Carlton to turn around to see Lisa, Drew, Demetrius, and an upset Yazmin, "You coming to the BSU hang tonight? I think we could all stand to have some fun."

"Of course Meech," Alexandria said with a smile she noticed the look that Yazmin gave Carlton before they started walking again with Lisa following them.

"Damn, if looks could kill..." Lisa said causing Alexandria to laugh.

"Whatever, okay? I wasn't really feeling her all that much anyway." Carlton said causing the sisters to laugh.

"Boy, please. We know you like her. Let her in. Talk about what you're dealing with. There's this thing girls love. What's it called Lisa?" Alexandria said as she looked to her sister.

"Oh, right, communication," Lisa said causing Alexandria to nod her head in agreement.

"No, okay? Look, I don't need another girl feeling sorry for me."

"All we're saying is, it's okay, to be honest, and show people the real Carlton," Alexandria said to him as they stood in front of him.

"And otherwise, everyone is just going to think the worst of you," Lisa told him the two walked away from him just as the bell rang.

"And otherwise, everyone is just going to think the worst of you," Lisa told him the two walked away from him just as the bell rang

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