part 19

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Mayor H: There it is. The second piece of the token.

Chase (corrupted): Yes. The hurricane piece. The sooner we get the other pieces the more terror we can unleash.

Back at Town Hall Ryder and the pups told everyone what Mayor H recalled to Chase.

Ryder: So Mayor, because of you and everyone else teasing Chase and calling him names he ran away.

You should've thought about how that would make Chase feel bad because you wouldn't want someone else to do it to you because then you'd wanna run away too.

What kind of Mayor would make one of it's citizens feel like they had to do more to prove themselves. After all he's done and all he's been through

Mayor G: Oh yes. Attention Adventure Bay! We owe Chase a sincere apology.

Because we bullied him and blamed him for something he didn't do, he ran away and was turned evil by Mayor Humdinger.

Katie: We really need to apologize to him. And we should've given him credit because he tried his best. Besides, it's not his fault that his net was old and worn out with all the times he had to use it.

Mr, Porter: Right. We shouldn't have done that.

We should've treated him the way we want to be treated. We should've thought about how that would make Chase feel.

Alex: Right. Grandpa, you and the mayor always tell us to be kind and grow up. But right now, YOU ALL ARE ACTING LIKE SPOILED AND MEAN CHILDREN!!!

Ryder: Alex is right. You all were kinda acting like children who don't get their way.

Katie: Even Mayor Humdinger was acting better than you. And he acts child-like too! I'm actually surprised that Mayor G resorted to bullying Chase to take her anger and jealousy out on him.

But, instead of talking about it, you had to make another citizen suffer because you're jealous of him.

Mayor G: True. We need to find Chase and snap him out of it. But we need to apologize to him.

Ryder: Yes. But we need to find him, first. Where do you think he is?

Marshall: I think he might've gone after the hurricane piece. And where do hurricanes often take place?

All: The bay!
Im tired,
384 words

Chase's betrayalWhere stories live. Discover now