part 17

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Marshall: It's both our faults.

Mayor H: And also, what about the other citizens huh, they don't appreciate you for being a hero of Adventure Bay.

Even Mayor Goodway said mean things about you, and you overheard the other pups making fun of you from what she said.

Ryder: Wow, Chase had a bad time lately.

Rubble: I remember that scene, I feel bad about what I did.

Skye: We all do.

Mayor H: And let's not forget how everyone you know treats the rest of the pups like they're the stars of the show by giving them special awards, and Mayor Goodway again said that Marshall is all of your qualities and specialities and says that he can be a better police dog than you ever would.

Zuma: Oh yeah, the ceremony at city hall.

Ryder: So all these reasons made him like this.

Tracker: We're such bad friends.

Mayor H: let me use my electro corrupter to zap you again to make you change your mind and want to be evil again.

Marshall: Wait what?

Then-Mayor H used his invention to zap Chase again.

Skye: Oh no, Chase.

Mayor H: Hey Chase, you alright?

Chase (corrupted): Alright, alright, oh I'm worse than alright, I'm terrible, the evil like electricity is now running through my veins, I want to destroy all my former friends from top to bottom, you want me to be bad again, well I think I'm BAD AGAIN!

Mayor H: Yes, Nothing can stand in our way.

Chase (corrupted) and Mayor H: MHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Mayor ): I think I hit him too hard again, where is that lower setting?
285 words

Chase's betrayalWhere stories live. Discover now