part 16

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Chase (corrupted): Hey, that stupid stone pillar took my storm power.

Mayor H: Well that's why we need to search for the rest, so we can awaken the colossus.

Chase (corrupted): Yes, and Adventure Bay will fall like dominos.

Mayor H: Let's go to the bottom of the bay of Adventure Bay.

Mayor H and Chase (corrupted): HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

While at Adventure Bay.

Skye: What did we do to Chase that made him turn evil?

Marshall: Maybe we'll have to make him tell us.

Rocky: Or how about we send the drone to Foggy Bottom and see why.

Ryder: Good idea Rocky, activate the drone.

The drone flew to Foggy Bottom and Ryder put the camera on the TV screen so all the pups can see.

Mayor H: Let's go to Adventure Bay again and find the second token piece.

But Chase is now upset.

Everest: Look, there's Chase.

Mayor H: What's wrong Chase?

Chase's corruption is now wearing off again.

Chase (half corrupted): I still miss all my friends in Adventure Bay, especially the PAW Patrol.

Mayor H: We have been over this Chase, why would you be friends with the PAW Patrol when your best friends Marshall and your former love interest Skye betrayed you by kissing on the beach a few days ago?

Skye: Oh no.
220 words

Chase's betrayalWhere stories live. Discover now