Sick Minie (JM)

753 14 5

Sick person: Jimin
Caretakers: Jungkook and Namjoon

(Jimin catches a stomach bug and has to rely on Jungkook and Namjoon to take care of him)

3rd person POV

"Namjoon-hyung..." Jimin taps the leader on the shoulder, trying to keep composed. Jimin is struggling to sit straight with the stomach pain in his middle. God, when will this award show end. "Yes? What's wrong?" Namjoon takes his eyes off the performance, turning to his side.

"Do you think we could leave soon?" Jimin gives Namjoon a pleading look, hoping he'll take the hint. "I'll work something out." Namjoon smiles, giving Jimin a short rub on the back. He's pleading with the nausea that hasn't left him since he woke up to die down. He cannot and will not throw up at an award show.


Finally. The comfort of their dorm. Jimin's been waiting for this moment when he can take his uncomfortable outfit off and slide into the softest pair of pyjamas. Yes, it's only 4pm, but Jimin is feeling like a bag of shit, so he feels like doing nothing apart from curling into a ball.

He does exactly that in his bed, cursing under his breath as his stomach gives a proper churn and a threatening burp forces its way up. He's in too much discomfort to get up. The nausea along with the swaying of his stomach is no doubt concerning. Thank the lord, he can hear someone walking down the hall, with Jimin's door open, the figure walks past and it's recognisably Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ah!" Jimin calls out and the youngest takes a few steps back to peer into his room, a bag of chips in his hand and one halfway to his mouth. "Yeah?" Jungkook doesn't question the pyjamas, he's more worried about why Jimin's in an almost fetal position, tucked away in bed.

"Could you please grab a heat pack and put it in the microwave?" Jimin asks, teeth clenching to keep down his lunch. Jungkook's facial features imidiantly soften. He knows how hard it can get for Jimin and his susceptibility to muscle strain. "Sure thing, I'll be back." And then the maknae scurries off.

"Namjoon-hyung? Do you know what's wrong with Jiminie-hyung?" Jungkook asks the leader, who's sat on the couch reading a book while the heat pack warms in the microwave. "Yeah he seemed off at the show but I don't really know why.." Namjoon looks up at the maknae, pity evident on his face.

"He asked me to get a heat pack, I think his shoulder might be hurting again. Can you come with me to check on him? He was really pale, hyung.." Jungkook shuffles on his feet. Namjoon nods, hoping Jimin isn't coming down with something. With a schedule like theirs, it's hard to work around things like illnesses.

"Hey, hyung. I got a heat pack. Can you tell Namjoonie-hyung and I what's wrong?" Jimin can hear the worry in Jungkook's voice and accepts the heat pack with a tight-lipped smile. "Thank you Kookie and Namjoon-hyung. I-I don't know what's going on with me.... I feel sick, like my stomach is really upset.." Jimin replies, hiccuping in between words.

The two members frown with worry, "Aw, Jimin.... Is there anything we can do to help? Do you want to go to the bathroom?" Namjoon asks, grateful they don't have any more schedules today. Jimin keeps the heat pack close to his stomach, breathing through a tough cramp as it works up his insides. He feels like throwing up, but that's the last thing Jimin wants to do. "Want me to rub your stomach?" Jungkook offers, wishing he could take some of the pain for his hyung.

Jimin nods, "cuddles, Joonie-hyung?" Jimin switches to pleading eyes and pouts his lips as much as he feels needed. How can Namjoon resist. Jimin's pale, shaky frame looking up at him and asking for some TLC. Namjoon climbs into the bed with zero hesitation.

Jungkook runs his fingers gently across Jimin's upset tummy, it's helping but it doesn't take the nausea away, Jimin can feel the pain make him dizzy in the head and the sick feeling settled in his stomach claws up his throat. Jungkook pauses the massage when he sees Jimin's head drop and the laboured breaths escaping his parted lips. "Hyung? You alright?" Jungkook asks and Namjoon looks down at Jimin's head that's buried in his chest.

Silence is all they need for them to worry. "C-can you help me to the bathroom–" Jimin tries to sit up, and manages to do so with Namjoon's help. "Oh—of course!" Jungkook replies and he and Namjoon support Jimin's forearms. They make it a couple small, slow steps from the bed before he pauses, bending over at the waist, eyebrows knitted together in pain.

"Hyung—I feel dizzy... the pain–I think I'm going to throw up." Jimin closes his eyes, gripping tightly to the band members on either side of him. Imidiantly, Namjoon shoots a concerned look to Jungkook. Namjoon is definitely going to go into leader-panic mode. "We got you Jimin, breathe." Namjoon places a hand on the small of Jimin's back. His face is almost as white as paper and Jimin's luscious lips have drained of their pink tint.

Being upright makes the nausea tenfold, like a wet blanket clinging uncomfortably. Jimin can't make it any further, he's going to vomit. Like right now. He brings a hand to his mouth, eyes frantically meeting Namjoon's. "Jungkook get a bin—or a bowel, just something–" Jungkook leaves Jimin's side to dash back into the kitchen. He swipes the bin and rushes back with haste.

"Here hyung! Just let it up." Jungkook thrusts the bin under Jimin's mouth, Namjoon is holding the poor boy up because he can barely stand. Jimin's knees shake and a mouthful lands into the bin, he coughs and tears threaten to spill from his eyes. "Hey, Jiminie, let's sit down, yeah?" Namjoon suggests and he slowly lowers both him and Jimin while Jungkook makes sure the bin stays in place to avoid a mess.

Jimin can hear and feel his stomach complain and a strong gag makes him throw up again into the bin. He does feel better now that he's kneeling down and doesn't have to bare the weight of himself but throwing up is never fun. Namjoon uses his large hand to run up and down Jimin's spine, hoping he'll get some relief. Jungkook is praying that his hyung isn't getting sick and that it was just something he ate.

Jimin whines at a cramp and he's heaving again, shoving his face into the bin, held by Jungkook. The smell is offensive to all their noses but it sets Jimin off even more, making him gag back to back with no breaks. "It's okay Jimin, you'll feel better." Namjoon hopes he's right.

Jungkook is bug-eyed, seeing his hyungs go through hard times is his only hardship after all. Jimin hates that Jungkook and Namjoon have to see him like this even if he is prone to upset stomachs. Jimin swallows down thick saliva, shutting his eyes and willing his stomach to stay down. One hiccup and he's forced back over the bin, adding to the vomit.

Jimin feels himself being wrung out and the uncomfortable emptiness of his stomach. When nothing but a few hiccups and quiet burps come up, Jimin brings himself to wipe his tears. Namjoon is still rubbing his back and moving the hair out his face. "That's it Jimin, you did so well, love." Namjoon praises. Jungkook wipes Jimin's tears for him and gives his glowy but pale cheeks a little squeeze.

"Don't cry, hyungie... are you feeling better?" Jungkook asks, doe eyes searching Jimin's. "Yeah, I feel better. Still a bit dizzy and sore but I'll be okay." Jimin smiles, it's a little forced but it's a smile nonetheless. It gives both Jungkook and Namjoon some relief, the leader was worried he'd end up calling an ambulance.

"How about a nice bath, Minie? I'm sure Jin-hyung will be happy to make you some soup and Jungkook can give you a massage or something?" Namjoon smiles, playing with the hairs on the back of Jimin's neck. "That sounds amazing, thank you Namjoon-hyung and Jungkook-ah. I love you." Jimin sniffles and smiles, successfully getting one from Jungkook and Namjoon, too.

"We love you too, hyungie." Jungkook strokes Jimin's hair, "Of course, Jimin-ah." Namjoon adds, dimples peaking through.

Thanks for reading!!! Sorry about any grammar or spelling mistakes, this is another repost from Tumblr!!

Word count: 1451

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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