Work out Problems (JK)

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Sick person : Jungkook
Caretaker : Namjoon

(Jungkook and namjoon are working out together, but Jungkook realises he started too soon after eating and makes himself sick) (poor thing)

3rd person POV

"Namjoon-hyung!" Jungkook bounces happily over to Namjoon, who is lounging on the couch, scrolling mindlessly on his phone. The older perks up at the younger, Jungkook's smile evident on his face and already in workout clothes. "Want to go down to the company gym with me?" Jungkook has been itching to get a good workout session in, and today happens to be a day their schedules are free.

"Of course, Kook-ah, let me get changed. I'll meet you there." Namjoon grins and shows dimples.


Jungkook started off with his so-called "warm-up," which over half the population could not attempt. Then he did some upper body workouts on some machines, next to Namjoon, who is doing some bench presses.

It's only when Jungkook hops on the treadmill that he notices a problem. Namjoon is again next to him, running at a similar pace. Jungkook is sweating buckets and can't help but notice a stitch start to form in his stomach, in turn noticing how much the organ bounces around in his body while he runs.

Jungkook ignores it and continues running, even turning up the pace slightly. Namjoon turns to his side and takes note of the sweat dropping off Jungkook's forehead and his heavy breaths as he runs. The maknae catches his gaze and sends over a bunny smile. It dismisses Namjoon's worries slightly.

Jungkook is starting to struggle to keep up his pace. The stitch earlier is now a pain he can't shake off, and the movement in his middle brings a newfound, sick feeling. Jungkook ignores it (again) and instead roams his thoughts as to why he's feeling like this.

His thoughts are interrupted by a churn of the ramen he ate before-wait. Jungkook mentally facepalms, how could he be so stupid? Before his gym quest with Namjoon, Jungkook ate almost 3 packets of ramen. Definitely not a good idea to go to the gym almost imidiantly after.

Just as Jungkook remembers his guttering mistake it's as if he suddenly feels twice as bad as he did 2 minutes ago. Jungkook registers nausea and turns off his treadmill. It slows down and when it's fully stopped, Jungkook bends and places his hands on his knees. He puffs out a breath of air, it feels like his stomach is still running laps on the treadmill.

Namjoon takes an earbud out, stopping his machine too. "Kook? What's the matter?" Namjoon places a hand on the maknae's sweaty back. "I'm gonna p-puke-" Jungkook jams a fist to his mouth, stepping fully off the machine. "What-are you sick?" Namjoon doesn't have time for a reply because he grabs Jungkook's arm and quickly hurries to the gym's bathroom.

They're lucky Big Hit's building is as nice as it is because thank the lord the bathroom is pristine when Jungkook has to kneel in front of the toilet. Jungkook had to swallow down a mouthful of vomit before he got to the porcelain. Namjoon was almost positive he was going to throw up on the floor.

Jungkook opens his mouth in time for a rush of his noodles to reappear. He coughs and splutters, he hasn't felt this bad in a while and gosh-it's hitting him like a truck. Meanwhile, Namjoon is sweating from nerves at why Jungkook's getting so sick. He pulls himself together slightly. "It's okay, Kook, breathe." Namjoon pulls Jungkook's dark hair out of the way and rubs his back through the sweat-soaked tank top.

Jungkook gags heavily, shoulders going up to his ears as he grips the bowl. Jungkook upchucks his cookies again and prays that was the last one. He spits into the murky water below and shuts his eyes. His middle is still rolling. "Finished?" Namjoon asks, pausing his hand ministrations. He's almost two seconds away from calling one of the other hyungs.

Jungkook shakes his head, whimpering quietly. He tries to blow a shaky breath through his mouth but a burp cuts him off. It brings up two more mouthfuls that splash the water with a disturbing sound. The room already smells like puke and it almost makes Jungkook sick again. Finally, Jungkook thinks he's done and slumps back into Namjoon.

The older grabs some toilet paper to wipe his mouth then flushes the grossness away. Namjoon checks Jungkook's forehead and cheeks for a fever but doesn't find one. "Kookie.. what got you so sick?" Namjoon frowns, using the softest tone with the maknae.

"I forgot I ate 3 packets of noodles before we left.." Jungkook is embarrassed to admit that but he knows he can be open with the friendly, neighbourhood Namjoon. The dork (and leader) of BTS. "Aish, Jungkook-ah, you're going to give me wrinkles when I'm 30." That enlights a laugh out of him and Namjoon is satisfied.

"I think it's time we head back, don't you?"

Thanks for reading and sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!

Poor Jungkook... I'm a softie for Namkook lmao. XD

This is just a short chapter!! I plan on doing one for every member so stay tuned!!

Word count : 889

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