Sick on Vlive (JK)

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Sick person: Jungkook
Caretakers: Jimin, Seokjin

(Jungkook drinks a little too much on vlive and has to end it early before he throws up infront of the fans)

(Jimin comes to the rescue)

(Based on Jungkook's recent vlives!!!!)

3rd person POV

His hyungs were right. Most definitely right. (As they always are), Jungkook should not be drinking this much while on vlive, especially at ungodly hours of the morning.

Jungkook has been singing on and off, reading comments from fans and messing around with Bam. Of course he got himself a couple drinks to go with it, but he might’ve gone a little overboard. Okay maybe a lot overboard. He had some beer, soju, whisky, white wine, and who knows what else.

Jungkook's got a bad case of the hiccups and has to keep muffling them into his elbow or turn his head away. Jungkook rubs at his chest, trying to get them to calm down as he sqints at the comments flying past. "Vibe?" Jungkook reads aloud, "daechwita?" Jungkook hates that he can feel just how full he is of all the alcoholic beverages he's consumed as he shifts uncomfortably.

"Hic—excuse me." Jungkook murmurs. Jungkook moves a little further away from the camera, hoping they can't hear his stomach gurgling and grabs his mic. He starts singing another song, lyrics playing on the tv. Jungkook has to lower the microphone when an air bubble rises and he disguises a burp with a cough, face scrunching at the horrible taste it brought up.

He finishes the song—save a few more hiccups that interrupt him—and somehow he manages to hit all the notes despite being under the influence. Jungkook's stomach is getting more bubbly by the minute and he feels so full that even breathing in encourages more trapped air that he has to swallow back down.

Shit, this is definitely not looking good. Jungkook wonders what he should do because he's surely going to vomit. And there's no way he's doing that in front of fans. Jungkook takes out his phone, sending a drunken message to their bangtan group chat.

.....hyungies yuo were definitely right I shuoldnt habe drank on live. Somebody plz help me. I think m gonna puke.

Sent, now Jungkook puts as much of his focus to the screen of comments and not on his sloshing stomach. Jungkook jerks with one of those hiccups again and tries to think of an excuse to end the live. "Saranghae armies." Jungkook holds up a finger heart. He tucks his hair behind his ears, bringing a hand down to rub at his stomach discreetly.


Oh gosh, Jungkook. I'll be there in a few.

Jimin the sweet angel—coming to the rescue. That's the best news ever because Jungkook can feel his mouth pooling with saliva and he can barely look at all the empty drinks that linger behind the camera.

"Sorry—hic—armies, but the camera is about to die and I have to go." Jungkook smiles, hoping he looks more decent then he feels. "Good night Army! Thank you for watching so late!" Jungkook waves and does a heart before he quickly pushes the 'end live' button. Jungkook imidiantly groans, hand placed on his full tummy. He needs Jimin.

Jungkook can't even bring himself to get up and go to the bathroom, Bam is somewhere in the room and Jungkook can feel a suspicious heat building in his middle. Jungkook burps, hand coming to cover his mouth just as Jimin enters Jungkook's living room. Giving Jimin a spare key was definitely a good idea.

"Aish, Kookie. Why do you do this." Jimin scrambles over to the younger, scanning him up and down. "Hyung, I drank too much." Jungkook pouts at Jimin, who looks back worriedly. "I can tell, are you gonna puke?" Jimin asks, given Jungkook has gone pale and won't stop hiccuping.

"Yuck, I don't want to thin—hurrkk" Jungkook jams a fist to his lips, jolting with another gag, lips sealed tightly. "Oh shit—" Jimin dashes to the other side of the room, swiping up a small bin and thrusts it under Jungkook's chin just in time. Thank goodness the live was turned off.

Jungkook moans into the bin, bringing up puke and trying to keep his hair out the way. Jimin quickly realises and takes off Jungkook's glasses, setting them aside before using his hands to hold back Jungkook's long hair. Yes, it's beautiful and amazing but right now, the locks were proving to be an inconvenience.

"Hyung—it got in m-my hair-" Jungkook whimpers, alcohol has really done him over, hasn't it? "Shh, it's okay Kookie. Get it all out." Jimin places a hand on Jungkook's back, trying to calm him down. Jungkook's ears are ringing and he shudders at a small burp, prompting more puke to exit from his mouth.

Jungkook makes a very nauseated sound and even Jimin's stomach feels a bit uneasy. Jungkook continues to vomit his guts out, it sounds like he's almost choking with his shaky inhales. More torrents leave Jungkook's mouth, stomach contracting as it works everything out of his system.

Nausea swells over Jungkook's body, and he wishes he hadn't drank so much. "You really gotta listen to your hyungs, Kookie." Jimin adds, a soft giggle leaving his lips as he continues to hold back Jungkook's dark hair. Jungkook is not going to live this down. He can already hear Seokjin's voice in his head, telling him off for being so reckless. On cue, Jimin's phone starts to ring, the eldest member's name clear on the screen.

"Hey, how's Jungkookie doing?" Seokjin says after Jimin accepted the call. "Hyunggg I think I'm dyingg." Jungkook's voice is loud enough to hear and Seokjin tuts in sympathy. "Yah! Next time listen to us, okay??" Seokjin calls out, causing Jimin to laugh and almost forget the task at hand, making Jungkook whine when his hair falls back in front of his eyes and in the line of fire.

Jungkook retches audibly and Jimin hisses, "sorry, hyung I've gotta put you on speaker even though you probably don't want to hear this. I need both hands to hold Jungkookie's hair." Jimin places the phone down, focusing back on the maknae.

"Ayy, my poor Jungkookie.." Seokjin's voice fills Jungkook's ears and he makes a mental note to send the older a message when he's feeling better. Jungkook coughs up more beer, cursing under his breath. His mind is still a little loopy and when he catches a break he sighs heavily. "Jimin-hyung, you're really pretty." Jungkook blurts out, using Jimin's face as a distraction turned out to be quite effective.

"Thanks, Kook-ah. You feeling better?" Jimin smiles, "make sure he drinks lots of water Jimin-ah." Seokjin buts in. "Mhmm, I need to sleep... I'll probably throw up n'the morning though." Jungkook replies, forgetting that it already is the morning. "Okay, let's get you to bed, dumbass." Jimin says, "I'll call you later, hyung! Bye bye!" Jimin takes the phone.

"You better, Park Jimin!" And with that, Jungkook's practically half asleep, head lolling to the side and Jimin whisks the bin away before a mess happens. "Come on, pukey. Let's sleep before a massive headache is added to the list." Jimin ruffles Jungkook's hair and gives his back a comforting rub.

"As long as you cuddle me..." Jungkook slurs, somehow still adorable. "Of course, Jungkook-ah."

I hope you enjoyed!!! 3rd story of the day lmao, I'm a sucker for Jungkook's long hair >.<

I'm so happy that Jungkook is going to be doing vlives more often—also everyone hide your scissors!!!

Word count: 1279

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