Sick on Stage (JK)

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Sick person: Jungkook
Caretaker: ot7, Jimin, Taehyung

(Based on LY:SY tour in London when Jungkook hurt his ankle and had to sit on a stool throughout the concert)

(Also based on a clip I saw backstage when Jimin was saying how when he saw Jungkook crying during Anpanman, he thought he was throwing up)

(Jungkook doesn't throw up on stage—dw!!)

3rd person POV

Jimin smiled at the crowd, running a hand through his silver blonde hair. They had just finished 'So What' and their British fans were loving it. The lights of the stage dimmed before 'Anpanman' started playing through the speakers. Jimin scanned the area before his eyes landed upon Jungkook, his head down and back facing them. Shit.

Jimin imidiantly jogged over to Jungkook, the poor maknae looked like he was about to throw up from Jimin's perspective. Jimin prayed that he was okay and just a little emotional. Jimin finally got to Jungkook, kneeling down in front of him. Jungkook's hands were over his face and he looked a little panicked.

"Jungkook-ah, are you okay?!" Jimin asked over the loud noises, taking his in-ear out to hear Jungkook properly. The poor thing could only shake his head, he removed his hands and Jimin could see tear stains on his cheeks and his abnormally pale skin. "Is it your ankle?" Jimin asks, the longer they're like this the more attention Jungkook is going to get, and in this situation that is not a good thing.

Jungkook feels sick. He doesn't know why but he just felt overwhelmed, upset and now nauseous. Jungkook tries to gesture but eventually he chokes out, "Feels like I'm gonna be sick, hyung-" Jungkook hates to think that there are thousands of Armys right behind him, worrying. Jimin curses under his breath, he grabs a towel and water from the little basket placed beside Jungkook. Jimin gives him a towel, "if you think you're going to throw up try do it in this, but take some deep breaths and try having some water." Jimin looks up at the younger, trying not to show his worry too much.

By now Taehyung has strolled by, noticing the tense energy around Jungkook. Jimin stands and walks over to his fellow 95 liner. "Jungkook feels sick, like he's about to throw up. Could you cover Jungkook's part, please?" Jimin says into Taehyung's ear, who nods firmly, sneaking a glance back at the maknae.

Taehyung waits for Seokjin's part to finish before starting his own, singing while simultaneously walking in Namjoon's direction. Speaking of the leader, his head whips around when Taehyung starts Jungkook section of the song, eyes already trailing to the youngest. He sees Jimin with him, Jungkook's back to the crowd. Somethings wrong. Namjoon interacts with the fans up until Taehyung finishes Jungkook's lines and Jimin starts singing.

"What's wrong with Jungkook, Tae?" Namjoon asks, "he feels bad, like throwing up bad." Taehyung says, smiling and lip syncing to Yoongi's part to not draw too much attention. "I'll let a staff know to give us a break before the show ends. Thanks Tae." Namjoon smiles, walking off.

Jimin's face scrunches with worry as Jungkook's cough morphs into a gag but the younger plays it off by dabbing at his eyes with a towel. "Deep breaths, Kookie, Namjoon is sorting something out." Jimin says, having noticed the short interaction between the leader and Taehyung. Jimin moves away from Jungkook, bouncing around and waving to fans but he can't help noticing how the fans send worried looks over to Jungkook. With Yoongi's done and Namjoon's part over Jimin starts singing again, walking towards the thrust stage.

Taehyung replaces Jimin and stays by Jungkook's side while Jimin is singing and covering for Jungkook's second and third part. Speaking of whom, he's got tears gliding down his cheeks, he feels horrible, physically and mentally. His stomach is rolling dangerously and on top of that, he can't even sing or perform like he's supposed to.

"Ahh, Jungkookie, it's okay. The song's almost done." Taehyung attempts to comfort, ruffling the boy's hair. Taehyung doesn't miss when Jungkook has his lips sealed into a thin line, elbows resting on his knees as he curls in on himself. Namjoon's worry fades the slightest as the music ends, "we'll be back Army!!!" Namjoon says into the microphone, the lights dim and the members make their way backstage. The staff are prepared for emergencies like this and play their usual BTS ads and music videos while the members have a 5 minute break.

Taehyung wraps an arm around Jungkook's waist while he holds a towel to his mouth, still tearing up. Backstage is chaos, the other members now know what's going on and are worried to say the least, staff are talking to each other loudly and Jungkook is gagging.

The members get put in a dressing room, big enough and away from most of the noise, Jungkook gets given a bag and sat down on a couch with Jimin. He's actively sobbing, mumbling broken words in between. "Shh, it's okay Jungkookie, calm down." Jimin holds the bag steady, the maknae doesn't have enough time to retaliate because he's cut off by vomit. His middle clenches and he heaves painfully, mouthful after mouthful leaving him.

Seokjin, Yoongi and Hoseok are firing questions to Namjoon, almost worried sick like their youngest is. "I almost th-threw up inf-front of the fans—" Jungkook cries, he wishes he didn't feel like shit and he wishes that he could dance like the rest of them. "Aish, baby you're working yourself up. They'll understand, don't worry Kook-ah." Seokjin now butts in, taking a seat on the other side of Jungkook.

The youngest imidiantly leans into the older, letting himself be kissed on the head and hugged gently. Jimin hands the vomit bag to Yoongi and cleans up Jungkook's face with a new towel. Jungkook's breathing is shallow and shaky but eventually he's not sobbing and not throwing up. "Kookie.. what's got you so sick and upset, baby?" Hoseok asks, pet names slipping left right and centre as he bends down in front of the maknae.

"I-I just– got overwhelmed and m-my ankle—I wanted to b-be able to sing a-and dance like you guys..." Jungkook explains, he can see stylists starting to enter the room to fix up their hair and make-up so he knows they don't have much time left. "Aish, our golden maknae, huh? Always wanting to put on the best show for Army!" Hoseok smiles. "Jungkook-ah, the fans will understand, they're just happy to see you in real life. You're their idol, Kookie. They don't mind if you can't dance or sing. We can hear their screams from here, that's how happy they are." Yoongi adds, and Namjoon couldn't sum that up better than he did.

Jungkook nods and Jimin wipes a few more tears away. "Does your tummy feel better Jungkookie?" Taehyung pouts, worried for his only dongsaeng. "Yeah, thank you, hyungs." Jungkook gives them all a teary smile. "No worries Kook-ah, now let's finish off this show, huh?" Seokjin grins at the youngest, planting one final kiss on the crown of his hair.

I hope you enjoyed!!! I wrote this a while ago but I'm only uploading till now lmao. Sorry about any grammar or spelling mistakes!!

Stay tuned for a lot more Jungkook sickfics, I'm obsessed if you can't tell <3

Word count: 1252

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