Overdid Practice (JM)

658 13 3

Sick person : Jimin
Caretaker : Hoseok

(Jimin gets sick because he practices too soon after eating a big lunch)

3rd person POV

Jimin is undoubtedly an amazing dancer, having done it since he was young and from then on he only got more talented. BTS are all very busy people so with Jimin's tight schedule he had a very small window of time for extra practice to make sure he got the choreography perfect down to the minuscule details. This window of time happened to be just after he'd finished a delicious, mouth-watering and—a little over proportionate—lunch.

The thought that practising straight after might be a bad idea did cross Jimin's mind, yet he still made his way over to Hoseok. "Hey, hyung I was going to practice the Best of Me choreo at the studio, wanna come with me?" Jimin gave one of those irresistible smiles and Hoseok is a very weak man for said smiles.

"Ah since you asked so nicely, sure Jiminie." Hoseok ruffles the younger's hair, smiling. Hoseok on the other hand, had an earlier, smaller lunch so he'd be fine. The two made their way to the practice room and started warming up with stretches.

So far Jimin was feeling good, happy to sneak a little more practice in so he could impress Army with an amazing performance. After 15 minutes of stretching Jimin got the music set up. The two began to dance, paying close attention to the cues and the timing of their actions.

They paused the music every now and then, and Hoseok would give Jimin advice on a step and demonstrate. But when they got to the chorus of 'Best of Me' it started to go downhill for Jimin. The footwork, jumping and twisting around made Jimin's middle squirm uncomfortably. Jimin pushed through and concentrated, but Hoseok noticed Jimin's slightly sluggish movements.

The sound of feet hitting the floor filled Jimin's ears and he continued the choreography, Hoseok a little to the left of him. They went through the whole song before Hoseok stopped the music. "Let's take a break, Jimin-ah." He left no room for negotiation so the two dancers took sips out of their water bottles, and seated themselves on the floor, panting from exertion.

"Come on, hyung, let's do a few more run-throughs." Jimin smiled, although this was the last thing his lunch wanted to do. There are no doubts that this will end badly but Jimin is passionate to practice, clearly. Hoseok gave him a slightly worried look, Jimin's complexion is a bit pale, to say the least. "Getting old hyung? Come on!" Jimin laughed it off, he sure is good at that.

The music started up again and their muscle memory took over, the moves were slower at first but within 20 seconds the chorus was not far away. Jimin prepared himself with a few deep breaths and pushed his legs and feet to move in time. Twinges of pain would attack Jimin's stomach, he could feel it churning unhappily from the intensity of the choreo. Jimin was jumping and spinning, going up and down till he stopped abruptly. Hoseok paused the music.

"Jimin? Woah, you okay?" Jimin had gone as white as a sheet, swaying slightly as he paused dancing. Hoseok didn't need an answer because Jimin got on his knees and brought a hand to his mouth and stomach. Definitely not okay. It was till Jimin started gagging that Hoseok panicked. "Aish—hold on-" Hoseok looked around the room for anything he could put under Jimin's chin—a bin, bucket, bowl, anything?!

Too late. Jimin gagged up a mouthful of sick onto the studio's floor. (At least it's not carpet?) Hoseok swallowed his own sickness at the sight and bent down next to Jimin, running a hand up and down his back. Jimin's stomach was aching and cramping, sick clawed up his throat and he heaved towards the floor. "Ayy, don't cry, Jiminie." Hoseok held Jimin's bangs out of the way and wiped the tears. Jimin didn't even know he was crying till he felt his damp cheeks.

"H-Hobi—hyung-" Jimin whines before throwing up again, adding to the puddle. "It's okay, Ahgi. Breathe." Hoseok doesn't even know what's wrong with Jimin and it adds to the list of his worries. Jimin gags quietly but audibly, covering his mouth with his small hand. He can't even look at the sick in front of him without his stomach throwing a fit. Jimin's middle cramps again and he burps up more vomit, coughing and sniffling.

"I think 'm done.." Jimin wipes his own tears, he actually does feel a lot better. Now his stomach is empty and he's no longer dancing, colour is coming back to the younger's pinchable cheeks. "Okay Jiminie, come over here and have some water." Hoseok moves Jimin away from the puddle, not wanting it to get on the sick dancer but also to quench his nausea.

Hoseok hands Jimin his water bottle and watches him take a few small sips. "Do you still feel sick, Minie?" Hoseok asks, reaching over to place a hand on the latter's forehead but feeling no fever. "No, I feel better.." Jimin looks at the floor, avoiding Hoseok's gaze. "Are you getting sick?" Hoseok frowns, worry evident.

"It's embarrassing, hyung.." Jimin covers his face with his hands, "I'm not sick, I just... I had a big lunch before this and I think dancing straight after upset my tummy." Jimin pouts and Hoseok ruffles his hair. "Awe Jiminie, don't be embarrassed, just say next time that you're not feeling well before it gets this bad." Hoseok can't resist the temptation and plants a kiss on the maknae's cheek. "And maybe don't dance right after eating," Hoseok adds.

Thanks for reading and sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!

Ahh Jimin I feel so bad :,) I love dancer duo Jihope

Namjoon is next!!! Seokjin will be the caretaker, god I love NamJin <3

Word count : 1004

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