Airsick (TH)

799 13 10

Sick person : Taehyung
Caretaker : Jimin

(Taehyung gets airsick on their private plane because of turbulence and Jimin looks after him)

3rd person POV

Fuck turbulence. Taehyung is miserable, don't get him wrong, Taehyung is eternally thankful they get the opportunity to fly in their own plane but God could they be a little more gentle? Taehyung feels like he's on a roller-coaster and his discomfort is going straight to his stomach.

It's pretty well known through all members that Taehyung struggles with motion sickness. Whether they're flying, on a boat, or in the back of a car, Taehyung can be susceptible to motion sickness. He has medication for it but skipped out on in this time round, after all the turbulence was definitely not planned or expected.

They're seated in a group of four and three, Jimin is next to Taehyung with Hoseok and Seokjin sitting across from them, leaving Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi seated on the other side of the isle. By now they all sense that Taehyung is struggling, no doubt because of the flight. Taehyung can't help but let out these pained whines and noises of discomfort.

"Jiminie..... I don' feel good.." Taehyung slurs slightly and Jimin's face softens. "I thought so, you look really pale Taehyungie.." Jimin combs the singer's long brown hair out of his eyes. "Is it just the plane that's making you feel sick?" Jimin asks, "mhmm." Taehyung shuts his eyes at a dip in the plane, it tosses his stomach up like you would with a pancake in a pan. Jimin's been there before and his heart clenches for his soul mate.

Taehyung feels the nausea building and has to swallow the rapidly producing saliva in his mouth. "I feel so nauseous.." Taehyung tries to think of other things apart from the roil of his stomach but fails. "Do you think we should go to the bathroom?" Jimin's fairly sure Taehyung would hate to throw up in front of all the other members even if it is in a bag.

Taehyung nods his head multiple times with urgency and Jimin's quick on his feet. "Okay then, come on Tae, it's just down the isle." Jimin holds Taehyung's hand and has his other one supporting the youngers back. Jimin's eyes meet a few of the other members as the two stand, they all send over worried looks and sympathetic smiles. The interaction doesn't last long because Taehyung whines and places one of his large hands on his upset middle.

"Shh hold on," Jimin then drags them both to the small cubical bathroom. Sure it's better than flying economy but it's still smaller than the average sized bathroom, Taehyung being 179cm tall doesn't help either. Speaking of him, he gags loudly into his palm before Jimin ushers him in front of the toilet. Taehyung is kneeling over the receptacle while Jimin stands beside him, a hand working up and down the latter's back.

"Jiminie..." Taehyung moans and another gag has him curled over the toilet. "I know Taehyungie, you must be feeling so sick." Jimin clicks his tongue in sympathy, the hollow gags and retches echo in the small space. Much like Taehyung's sneezing he's also a very loud puker. The plane drops slightly and it even makes Jimin feel a little uneasy. Taehyung goes quiet, if possible he even pales more and ducks his head further into the toilet bowl. He heaves out some of his lunch and gags helplessly.

Jimin rubs his back and holds his hair out the way, "Good job Tae, you'll feel better soon." Jimin says as he hears the singer puke again. And again. Taehyung feels his stomach contract, sending painful cramps through his middle before he throws up. When he gets a short break Taehyung chokes in a couple shaky breaths, he feels like crying because he's still just as nauseous as before.

Taehyung uses the time and brings a hand to his stomach, rubbing small circles. "Want me to rub your tummy, Tae?" Jimin asks, Taehyung is so glad he's here, Taehyung would have broken down into sobs long ago if he was all alone. "Please... Jiminie." Taehyung shuts his eyes as Jimin begins small ministrations on his stomach, the organ is still very upset and the older can feel it underneath his hand.

Taehyung retches and Jimin feels the muscles tighten and Taehyung throws up, emptying the rest of his stomach contents. Jimin pats his back a few times and after a long 3 minutes of gaging and heaving, Taehyung deems to be finished. Jimin wipes his mouth, flushes the toilet and helps him wash his hands.

The 95s come back to their seats reclined into beds, water in arms reach. Jimin is almost carrying Taehyung so Seokjin helps the two lay down on one bed, it's squishy but both of them are suckers for cuddles so it's no problem. Jimin catches Taehyung with a pained expression, "still feeling sick baby?" Jimin strokes the youngers hair. "Mhmm... my tummy hurts Jiminie.." Taehyung looks at the other with misty, puppy-like eyes.

"Awe, come here Taehyungie, let me rub it for you." Jimin coos, wrapping his arms around the singer and then bringing a hand down to Taehyung's bothersome stomach. It's slightly more rounded than usual and Jimin can still feel that it's angry but definitely more calm than before.

Just before Taehyung drifts off he hears the other members, "get well soon, Tae" Namjoon. "Feel better, Taehyung" Yoongi. "Get some sleep, hyung" Jungkook. "Not long left Taehyungie" Seokjin. "Sorry you're so sick, baby" Hoseok.

And of course Jimin. "Go to sleep, ahgi. I'll be right here." Jimin never held back when taking care of his members, always using cute nicknames and gentle touches. If you weren't whipped before, you certainly are when he's looking after you.

Thanks for reading and sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!

Poor Taehyung, Jimin is so sweet :,)

Speaking of Jimin, he's next! I hope you look forward to it!

Word count : 1005

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