ON Accident (JK)

698 16 5

Sick person: Jungkook
Caretakers: ot7

(Taehyung accidently kicks Jungkook in the stomach during ON, hard enough to give him a bruise, make him super nauseous and give him stomach pains)

3rd person POV

It was halfway during ON, their concert was going so well and all of them were having a blast and Army was screaming and cheering, having the time of their lives. Everything was going smooth until..


A foot straight into Jungkook's stomach, making him suck in a sharp breath and stumble over the harsh choreography of the song. Jungkook registers that it was Taehyung and holds no grudge, Taehyung's definitely noticed what he did and is already looking guilty. Jungkook feels the lingering pain, still not died off as he dances like nothing happened. His middle aches and sharp pains make it immensely harder to keep a straight face.

He definitely got winded, his stomach area hurts as he moves, a pulsating feeling making him struggle to hit notes. Jungkook makes eye contact with Hoseok but instead of a stern look, it's one of concern.

They finish up the song, arms around each other, back facing the crowd. Jungkook hangs his head low, unable to hold back the grimace.

"Jungkook-ah!! I'm so sorry–I didn't mean to kick you. I'm sorry, does it hurt still? What am I talking about of course it hurts—please forgive me, I'm sorry-" Taehyung rambles the second they get backstage. He doesn't notice the way Jungkook's got a hand over his mouth, stomach threatening to appear.

"Hey, Taehyung-ah. Calm down, what's happend? Are you okay, Jungkook-ah?" Namjoon asks, a hand on both of the youngest' shoulders. The other members have gathered around, all in various states of worry.

Jungkook's ears ring over the sheer volume of fans and his stomach is still aching, making him nauseous and dizzy. "I-I accidentally kicked Jungkookie during ON...." Taehyung mutters, looking at the maknae for signs of anger. "I-It's okay Taetae... I'm just– feeling a little sick." Jungkook replies, attempting a smile but it ends in a retch.

All colour drains from the maknae's face and Yoongi scrambles to get something under his chin. There's chaos between staff members and Taehyung's almost crying, Namjoon is trying to come up with a logical way to handle the situation and Jimin, Hoseok and Seokjin are all trying to comfort the youngest.

Jungkook heaves into a plastic bag, dropping to a squat when standing is too hard. "Come on Kookie—let's sit you down." Seokjin and Jimin usher Jungkook into a chair, Taehyung is clinging onto the 94' liners and Yoongi holds the bag when Jungkook's grip gets too shaky. Jungkook vomits and clutches his middle.

The poor thing gets pained with another grating heave, swaying forward and his head almost submerged into the bag, streams exiting his mouth like a tap. Seokjin is palming small, fast circles between the youngest' shoulders and Jimin keeps the hair out the way.

"Joonie-h-hyung I d-didn't mean to—" Taehyung sobs, wiping his tears away and trying to compose himself. "Hey, shhh love. We know you didn't and Kookie knows too. He's strong Taetae and it was an accident." The leader smiles, petting Taehyung's hair. "Joonie is right, aghi. You don't need to cry, we know you feel bad but Kookie is going to be okay." Hoseok coos, pulling Taehyung into a warm hug.

Jungkook sneaks a look at Taehyung, sandwiched between Namjoon and Hoseok. They make eye contact and Jungkook sends him a thumbs up and a small smile, hoping to reassure the boy. Jungkook feels the nausea lessen a little and swallows down the last hints of puke trying to come up.

"I'm okay..!" Jungkook gets out, sitting up straight and closing his eyes. "Jungkook—" Seokjin starts, "no, hyung. I'm okay, don't worry." Jungkook interrupts. Jimin looks at Yoongi worriedly, the maknae isn't in a condition to dance.

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