Spicey Chicken (JM & JK)

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Sick people : Jimin & Jungkook
Caretaker : Seokjin & Yoongi

(Jimin and Jungkook eat too much spicey chicken and it upsets their tummies, although it's mainly Jimin at first and then Jungkook gets sick because Jimin gets sick)

(Inspired by the video linked above although obviously for the sake of the chapter it's slightly exaggerated hehe, poor things)

3rd person POV

Four servings of spicey chicken. FOUR SERVINGS!! At first the chicken was tingly and full of flavour in their mouths, they eagerly ate two serves each, licking their fingers clean after each piece. They chatted with their mouths full, as Seokjin wasn't around to scold them for it, about everything and nothing at the same time.

They are in Jimin's hotel room, it's pretty late at night, late enough for most of the other members to be asleep in their respected rooms. Jungkook was supposed to be going to sleep but Jimin texted him about this mouth-watering- and just a little spicey- chicken, so of course Jungkook couldn't resist.

Their first serve each of spicey chicken went down nicely, bordering ¾ full, it tasted nice and flavourful just as they expected- sure it was spicey but they managed with little swigs of water in between bites. When Jimin and Jungkook were both half way through their second serve of chicken each, the burns got stronger, waist band of their pants a little tighter, eyes more glossy, face not as smiley.

However. They both finished their serves of chicken of course. They're full to the brim- maybe a little past that, they each take a long sip of water to wash everything down and try get rid of the spiciness left in their mouths. Jimin exhales, a tiny burp clipping the end.

It's not their proudest moment, it's not as good as it sounded over text- before they had eaten the massive amount. Jimin feels uncomfortably full, his stomach hurts, his mouth is hot and his lips sting. Yep this was not a good idea. Jungkook isn't much better than Jimin, he's regretting eating as much as he did and can feel his stomach working overdrive to try digest everything.

Jungkook stretches out his arms over his head and when his stomach gives a pained gurgle he grimaces. "Ugh- I think I ate too much.." Jungkook says with a breathy sigh. Jimin nods, "yeah.. uh- I don't know how I'm gonna sleep like this." Jimin places a hand over his aching middle and a high pitched hiccup escapes him.

Jungkook looks at Jimin, he looks a little pale, aside from the tint of chicken flavour on his plump lips. "Are you okay hyung?" Jungkook sounds more serious than he did before. "Mmm-hic-maybe we should tell Jin-hyung or Yoongi-hyung.. they'll know what to do." Jimin suggests to Jungkook, not even answering the younger's question.

At that Jungkook reaches for his phone, pulling up Seokjin's contact.


Seokjin was woken up from his slumber of 10 minutes by his phone ringing. He glanced at the contact- Jeon Jungkook -Seokjin grabbed the phone, Jungkook never calls him so Seokjin is curious, maybe a little bit worried.


Seokjin blinks, imidiantly more awake, Jungkook sounds very groggy, tired and guilty, of what, Seokjin doesn't know. "Kook? What's wrong?" Seokjin is already slipping his feet into his slippers and getting ready to get Yoongi for backup.

Jiminie-hyung and I made a mistake.. can you please come over? We're in Jiminie's room.

"Of course Kook, hyung will be there in a couple minutes." And with that Seokjin is out the door and walking down the hallway to Yoongi's room, he has a feeling he'll need the rapper's help for this. He knocks on the door, he faintly hears the sound of Yoongi composing one of their songs but after a few seconds it stops and he hears footsteps.

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