The Carapathia .. 🚢

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Author: Its been 2 minutes and 50 seconds.. Jack has fallen into deep sleep because of how tired he was.. and Rose has zoned out by gazing at the night sky with the night stars... but in the distance Rose hears another boat in the distance.. she hears a loud voice yelling but thinks it's her imagination.. but at that moment Jack wakes up
Jack: Rose! Look! See? I told you there was gonna be a lifeboat that would rescue us..
Author: As his voice trembles Rose realizes it's not her imagination and she trys to yell.. but she's not able to.. so she goes to the person who had a whistle and blows the whistle as hard as she can.. breathless as she is the life boat hears her and goes to their wooden planks..
Rose: Jack! Get up Jack! Jack!!
Jack: H-Huh? Oh wait a second! I Remember now.. I must've dozed off again! Let's go rose
Author: As they go to the life-boat with excitement they are struggling to walk to it..
A Lifeboat Guard: Here let me help you both *helps them on the life boat*
Jack: T-thank y-yo-you..
Rose: Yes! Thank you!
A Lifeboat guard: no problem! It's my job to help anyways,you can call me Alan for now.
Rose: Okay!
Author:  Alan led rose and Alan to a nice warm room with a fire lit on and a cozy bed with thick blankets and a nice soft pillow.
Rose: wow! This is perfect! Thank you Alan!!
Alan: no problem,we tried our best.. anyways, would you like to eat anything you 2?
Rose: well.. I would fancy some green tea and a fresh vanila vake
Alan: Uhh- sorry madam we don't have those here.. but we do have Spaghetti,Noodles,Fresh chicken noodle soup and regular soup.. but I can defintley get the tea for you-!
Rose: Oh.. *she starts to get embarrased and turns a little red because she realizes she's only on a lifeboat and not at her palace and never will be again* Just- give me 1 spaghetti bowl and some lovley tea please!
Alan: Okay much better *writes that down on his notepad*
Rose: Wait!! Do you have green tea.. *gets embarrased if they don't have if and thinks they don't have it*
Alan: Oh yes madam, we have 2 left
Rose: *face of relif* okay get me that then
Alan: and what about the young man?
Rose: *pats jack* what do you want to eat?
Jack: Uhh.. the same thing as rose-!
Alan: Sir.. we only have 1 spaghetti left-
Jack: Oh.. the same thing as rose and instead of spaghetti Chicken noodle soup!!
Alan: Okay sir- Alan Pov: we actually have more spaghetti but they seem to act like they are lovers so they can probably share right?? :)
Alan: Okay, your gonna shifted to another ship within tommorow morning and make it to America in 3 days since it'll take more time. Once you get on the ship tmrw morning it will be 2 days.
Rose: oh.. okay
Jack: *pats rose* it's okay rose you have me ❤ you won't be alone throughout this journey..
Rose: *smiles* yeah :)
Alan: Ooo I guess you guys are a couple? How long have you been with eachother?
Rose: well..-
Jack: we actually met on that ship and knew we were destinated to be together so yeah..
Rose: mmmmh ❤
Alan: Oh..- well that's fasinating..
Waiter: Madam and sir I have your foo- *trips on alans foot*
Alan: HUH-? *he also trips*
Jack: Oh my- *moves Rose away from them both*
Author: everything was about to fall.
Rose: Uh😨?!
Jack: *Catchs tea with both his hands*
Author: The spaghetti landed on roses head and the soup? Rose catches it.
Rose: Ouch.. my head hurts even more now
Jack: *sigh*
Waiter: I am so sorry sir and madam!! 😯😯 Jack: *sigh* it's o-oka-okay..
Rose: Mmmh.. let's go back in bed and eat Jack you still sound like your cold, and I'm also cold..
Jack: O-okay..
As they got tucked in again with their blankets Alan gave them a tray to put their food on to eat and left along as the waiter
Rose: *sigh*
Jack: why do you seem so upset Rose? What's wrong?
Rose: well.. it's just I never thought I would experience seeing so much innocent people drown a horrible de@th like that and never imagined for the ship to hit that ice berg and drown.. ugh.. I never even wanted to go on this ship anyways!
Jack: I understand rose.. it's sad.. in fact it's very traumitizin.. but I also feel this way! You don't have to be so sad.. just stay strong! :) and are you saying you never wanted to meet me? 😢 if you never went on this ship we would never have met 😭😭
Rose: Oh jack- 😒 I'm just saying.. getting this ticket was not the best thing that ever happend to me but yk what it was? The best thing that ever happend to me was that I met you ❤
Jack: Awww~ shouldn't it be that I was born tho? So you can meet me? ;)
Rose: Your just teasing me now- 😭
Jack: heh..
Author:Jack himself was still traumatized by the "incident" but a can't afford to see rose be sad.. it wasn't even her fault or anything.. so he wants to make her smile and laugh and see that big bright grin on her face :).. even if it means faking how he actually feels.. ;(

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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