6 ~ Killing the Moment

Start from the beginning

She huffed and I heard a small chuckle escape from Brian who tried turning into a failed attempt of a cough earning a slap from Taylor on the back of the head and a whine from Kat who pushed in between Jas and I stomping off upstairs.

"Really mate, you couldn't hold that laugh in for just a few more minutes?" I laughed softly shaking my head and looked down at Jas.

"Jas these are Taylor and Brian," Brian held out his hand which she shook and he gave his heart-warming smile and Taylor smiled pulling her into a quick hug which she returned pretty awkwardly. Taylor is the preppy, "huggy" person of our group, always the optimistic one, and the world could be collapsing, or Voldemort could be real and taking over the world and she will find the positive side no matter what. I loved the girl, I did, but way to much optimism at times, especially when Im not exactly the most optimistic guy.

"It's great to meet you Jasmine," Taylor gushed as I rolled my eyes laughing softly running my hand through my hair looking Jas back over noticing that she still needed clothes. I kissed her cheek quickly telling her I'd be right back and to stay put with them.

I quickly ran up the stairs running my hands up on the polished wooden hand railing on the stairs going into my room quickly searching through my drawers for an old tee of mine that would fit her nicely.

Finally finding and old solid white one I smiled throwing it over my shoulder and turned around quickly to leave but crashed into Kat holding her so she wont fall.

"Damn sorry Kat, but I have to go catch up with you later yea," smiling I kissed her cheek and quickly tried side stepping her to get through hoping shed let me go easy.

Of course though that's not what she had in mind. She pulled back on my arm holding me back glaring at me.

"What?" the innocence of my voice hopefully showing that I had no idea what was wrong

"What?! What? Are you fucking kidding me Ryder? You dump Anna, fuck me and then jump into bed with her what the hell is wrong with you?" the urge to laugh was tempting but I bit my lip and sighed

"You seriously have to be joking. You and I both know I've done worse," I stared dead cold into her eyes and she pouted tugging on the hem of her shirt.

"Ryder come on, what is it with her?"

"It's nothing I swear I told you, she's just a girl im enjoying for now," I turned back on my way to leave before hearing her yell

"What you're just going to keep fucking her until you're bored and throw her aside as well?" I slammed the door, making her jump slightly walking back inside to her.

"You know how I am. You don't have a chance with me. You're only fucking here because of Brian not because I fucking want you. Get your airhead head out of your ass and don't talk to me like that again. I go through enough shit to have you on my goddamn back. If I want to fuck her I will. If I want to fuck Brooke Ill do it maybe ill do them both at once who fucking knows just leave me alone because darling you and I will never be anything," my hand cupped her face lightly kissing her quickly smirking, "Got it?"

The tears in her eyes started forming but I pushed myself to not care as I always do and turned back around breathing in before walking out downstairs plastering a smile on my face.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs I looked around following the noise to the living room seeing that Taylor and Brian were cuddled up on the love seat and Jas was sprawled across on the couch stretching slightly. Her perfect and flawless skin was beautiful she is beautiful. The lace bra covered her breasts and her collarbone was showing my eyes ran higher up to her neck and I saw myself sucking on the skin leaving my mark there. Then I looked down to where the matching panties were covering to much of her I just wanted to tear them off. Her legs long and beautiful, she could be a model in my eyes and the sad part was I doubt she knew how gorgeous she was. She's simply stunningly, breathtakingly beautiful, and I wanted her.

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