Y/n : no!! I want my mumma dada , i want them to love me!! No one else!!! I just want them!!..
She shouted at him and almost fainted, yeonjun was fast enough to hold her tight.

Soon the doctors came inside her room , it was the time to change the bandages and for some blood tests.. y/n again Panicked and cried a lot , she didn't wanted them to touch her . After a lot of struggles , y/n was finally given an injection, she was sleeping and the nurses were changing her bandages.

Yeonjun's heart hurted a lot seeing y/n crying like that , he realised what really she have felt that day when Ha-joon tried to force her . This made him loose his temper , he held Taehyung's arm and dragged him out of her room.

He held Taehyung's collar , yeonjun had tears in his eyes.

Jun ; how dare u?? How dare u hurt my y/n?? What did u this time ???
Yeonjun yelled .

Tae ; i..d.. didn't do a... anything...i..it was r.. really an.. a ... accident.
He was confused. Who is this man ? How is he related to y/n...?

He was about to punch taehyung but he just left his collar and backed away, pulling his hair in frustration...

Jun ; this is all because of u bastard!!!... Do u even know what u have done to her.

Wanna know why she is reacting to the doctors like this??

Taehyung was starting at yeonjun being clueless , he had no idea what is he supposed to say or ask..

Jun ; she was already in so much pain and you kicked her in stomach ,( at the moment the jr. Doctor and the nurses looking after y/n's case came out of the room looking at the duo)  she went to that bloody Ha-joon. She trusted him as a doctor and u know what that asshole did , that bastard gave her an injection and tried to force her.  That's the bloody reason she isn't letting any of the staff near herself and it's all because of u Kim Taehyung!!

Taehyung was shocked yet ashamed at himself , his dreadful deeds lead to this.

Jun : all the time i just wished for y/n to come out of that hell ,i wanted her to get out of her uncle's house , many times i was just meet with half dead y/n laying on the floor of their house in a pool of her own blood. 
She was going through a lot already and u just added in her pain'nothing else Kim Taehyung!!

Jun ; for your kind information my bestfriend is an independent girl she doesn't needs your FILTHY money!! She married u because her aunt threatened her that she'll Kill.me if y/n doesn't marry u.

Jun; ok i understand that u were forced to marry her but hurting her was the only option left to u huh?? U could have at least respected her damn it!!.

Jun : u know what am just wasting my time here !!


Saying this yeonjun walks out of the corridor leaving a devastated taehyung behind.

Regret took over his whole body , he was sitting outside the room on a waiting chair alone . Thinking about what lead him to this , the madness of Hyun-jae' s love made him do this shitty act . His heart many times told him that he was wrong , what he is doing is wrong but his stupidy and carelessness lead the girl to be in one of the most horrible situations.

Regret and the remorse of his deeds started eating him inside , that day taehyung cried alot thinking , regretting , mumbling a set of never ending sorry , sitting beside y/n's sleeping figure.

Mr. Stone Head / Kim Taehyung ffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon