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It's my birthday so i'm doing a birthday special. this is actually based on something i went through where the guy that sing me happy birthday at the restaurant was really hot and i planned my future out with him but then didn't see him after that night.

Will's POV:

Despite my attempts at trying to make Dustin take a hint that I didn't want to go all out for my 16th birthday, he insisted on us celebrating at a "fancy restaurant". I genuinely didn't even know the name of it before the robotic voice came screaming through the car telling us the up coming turns or the exit we had to take. I'm surprised we heard her at all over the squabbling going on in the back seat, Lucas and Max fighting over who turn it should be.

"I get an extra turn, I was distracted!" He said defensively and I watched him turn his whole body away from her as she tried to rip the phone out of his hands.

"That's not my fault. You should have paid attention!  Now give me the phone!" She shouted back. I knew they were joking when they did these things. Lucas's smile was another dead give away or the blush forming on Max's face. Her mouth was turned up in a suppressed smile.

Dustin had given the AUX to El in the back seat who was taking a few elbows from the couple next to her. She didn't seem to budge while she reached for her phone and skipped a few more songs before landing on one. I turned the radio down and cleared my throat. "Guys this is nice and all but can we just agree to not tell the waiter about it being my birthday and all?" I asked sheepishly

Dustin scoffed and rolled his head back, erupting into fake laughter, "Where's the fun in that?" He asked, and i tried to say something but he put a finger up and shushed me, "Shhhhh. Listen to Taylor." and he turned up the music. I wiped my hands off on my jeans and cringed at the thought of having an entire building singing happy birthday to me.  I had made an effort after the first time it happened to be a little more quiet about my birthday. my friends were very much extroverted, besides El.

It felt like we'd been on the road forever until Dustin made a sharp turn into a parking lot ("Wait is this my turn? Shit, I think I missed it. No, wait. Hold on!")  and we hit a curb violently.  Dustin seemed to think nothing of it and went about his day as if some serious damage couldn't have been caused to his car.

"Dustin, I thought you said this place was fancy?" Lucas snarked putting his arm around Max's shoulders.

"What do you mean? It's very fancy." Dustin said holding the door open for everyone.

"No, this is a shitty Mexican restaurant" Lucas scoffed, and he had a point. The place was crumbling. The booths were torn, the walls were peeling, and the floors were buckling.

"They have an amazing view outside. Which is where we're gonna eat, enjoy the Spring weather, shall we?" He leaned his elbow on the podium a worker was usually at, but as of right now was not. "And, I eat here all the time with my mom, 'foods great! Swear. Give it a chance."

A woman had walked up, very long black hair down to her lower back, her makeup looked rushed but her features looked as if they'd be better without it. She looked tired. I gave her a smile before Dustin started talking, "Hi ma'am. Table outside, for 5 please. She grabbed a handful of menus, nodding her head for us to follow. The rest of the restaurant looked like a let down too. The ceilings were warped and had small holes. The carpet floors were thin and an ugly maroon color. The trim that traced the walls were chipped, coming off. I did not say anything. I wouldn't complain and I hadn't tried the food yet.

We got seats outside and Dustin was right about the view. It made up for the lack of architecture inside. There was a distant road that was lined with trees which were freshly bloomed from Spring. The grass was turning green and was covering the hills in the distance. We weren't sitting on the first floor either, we were in a balcony. The air felt amazing, though I knew it had enough pollen in it to rile up my allergies. The sky was grey and threatened to rain, but the forecast said otherwise. Thought I couldn't see the sun very well I could still feel it's heat.

LONG byler oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon