Kingdoms Part one (meet)

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This one might be a little silly but it make sense in my head! this story was an idea that I had when I was 13 ish but i didn't really know anything about kingdoms and royalty things like that, and I still don't, but. I know more than I did. Feel free to skip this one lol, it's kind of goofy

Anyways, it's just about 2 kingdoms (Hawkins and Lenora, wink wink) that have been at war since the dawn of time coming together when they realize the princes are in love. But there's some magic in it. and curses and such.

3rd person POV

Hawkins is the kingdom that was cursed from the day it was created. Its first breath of life was taken as a threat, and no mercy ever came to it's aid. Before it deserved this title, some 200 years ago, there was a ruler who was rumored to be the downfall of Hawkins, his name was Leon. His father, the king, had gotten wind of the prophecy and thought if the young prince had a woman at his side to keep him calm and helped him to express himself that maybe he could change the future, but that was exactly what sealed it. The King of Hawkins asked the Princess of Lenora to be his son's bride. She wanted to meet him first, celebrations were commenced throughout the castle, even in the poorest of parts, for the prophecy that everyone, except the young prince, had heard of would not be coming true, or at least this is what they thought. The princess truly was beautiful, she looked like her mother, a very powerful enchantress, the queen of Lenora. She was a proper woman, excellent posture, good mannered, and elegant in every way. But the prince was not like that. He was sloppy, belched loudly at the table, picked his teeth and sucked his finger for everyone to see, chewed with his mouth open for everyone to hear. The princess saw this and did not want to be stuck with him in marriage. That night she politely declined the kings offer of marriage in front of the servants, knights, the nobleman, then she went to sleep in the guest chambers. The prince was so embarrassed, he excused himself from the room and went straight to hers. Without thinking he grabbed the dagger he kept on him at all times, opened her door and brutally murdered her. Her screams were short, but loud enough for guards to hear. They ran in and peeled him off the dead body, his hands and face a bloody mess, she had been stabbed over a hundred times in the face, arms, legs, torso, and neck. Her mother must have heard her screams too, for she came running down the hallway and saw her daughter's body, it looked as if all the blood inside her had painted the floor and walls. The mother's agony was hard too watch, she touched the face of her daughter, screaming, crying, drooling. It was unlike anything most people had seen, and in the moment when her screams were loudest, a bright green light struck out of her chest almost like an explosion, killing the prince and the guards immediately, and a monstrous storm formed over the kingdoms. A storm that would be rolling for hundreds of years, mercilessly. After decades of no natural sunlight everything in Hawkins started to lose its color, even the people who turned into gray, depressing beings. They lost hope in everything over time. They built walls around the kingdom and the story of how this colorless life came to be was seldom told. No one was allowed to go beyond the walls, this was the biggest law in Hawkins, punishable by death. No one preformed another spell after that, how could they? Magic was conjured from happiness. 

Prince Michael of Hawkins sat in his chamber, picking the skin off of his gray hands, listening to the sounds of rain hit his window as they had done every day since he was born. He had yet to take off his armor from his training with his men, his black hair sat curled on his shoulders as he bit his nails. His father had wanted to speak to him, and he was going to do everything in his power to prolong the wait, anxiety nipped at every nerve in his body. He heard a knock come from his large doors. "Come in." He said, not taking his eyes off his fingers. 

Dustin and Lucas, Knights of Hawkins, best friends of the prince, they had been brought up together and, royalty aside, could talk about their emotions. "Prince Michael?" Lucas spoke, Michael turned sharply to see his friends standing in the doorway of his chamber.

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