Once for yes, two for no.

703 18 16

So let's say hypothetically, Will was in Max's position, and Mike was in Lucas's. So pretty much Will was going to face vecna to distract him or whatever, but ended up having a fate similar to Max's at the end of the season. 

It had been a few after the incident. Will hadn't woken up yet, and Mike has a vivid remembrance of what had happened. The only sounds were Mike's screams, bones cracking, and the faint sound of The Clash blaring through the headphones Will wore. Mike watched, horrified, feeling helpless as Will hovered through the air. The only thing he could think was Holy shit. and Will has been through enough. It seemed as through Will, regardless if he liked it or not, fell victim to the Upside Down. He remembers the dark and eerie ambiance of the room, which made him stay very close to Will at all times, and made sure he was in his line of sight no matter what. 

Will had been very adamant that he was fine and completely content with what he could possibly put himself through, and Mike believed him. He knew that Will didn't need him, but he wanted him to, in a way. Maybe he just wanted Will to feel like he could depend on Mike. And Mike let him down. 

He wondered vicariously about the things Vecna had said to Will, the reason he knew what Vecna did before he 'attacked' was because he and Will had had long conversations about what Will went through. Sort of a bonding activity to get closer after being apart for so long. 

Mike held flowers in one hand. He felt the unmistakable twist in his heart and stomach as he walked down crowded halls. The white walls and white tile reflected the dim lights which only added to Mike's nausea. He wondered of the Byers would be there, Will's mom or perhaps brother. He tried to get the image of Will's bones breaking like pencils as he made his way to the room he had visited for hours the day before. He had actually woken up in his room unaware of how he had gotten there, he had fallen asleep at the Hospital. Perhaps Joyce took him home, he has a very hazy memory of walking down the paved path to his house, but nothing more.  

He walked into the room, just as bright as the hallway, and he felt a drop in his stomach, seeing Will in the exact same position he had been in yesterday, and the day before, and the day before. He replaced the flowers the sit next to Will's bed. His head was propped up on a pillow, arms wrapped in a white cast, along with his wrapped up leg. His eyes were shut, and Mike was glad because he didn't want to remember the look they had when they had been nearly sucked out. 

Mike sat for a while, bouncing his leg up and down and messing with his fingers. The murmur of people in the hall were overpowering the moment he was sharing with, what felt lifeless, friend. He got up and angrily shut the door and took a seat again in the same chair. He spun around a few times, and occupied his time doing random things, messing with the petals on the flowers or the leafs, looking at Will, pushing back his cuticles and biting his nails. The silence, though interrupted still with the sound of voices that had suddenly turned to a panic (this happened twice since Mike has visited Will, the voices in the hall will channel into chaos, then become steady again.) and Mike sat there awkwardly. 

"So." Mike said. He knew Will couldn't hear him. "Uh," He cleared his throat, "The party has this thing planned for you, when you feel better of course." He paused a beat, feeling silly for talking to Will and almost scoffing at himself, "It's nothing too much, just some food and maybe a D&D game...If you're feeling up to it that is." Mike laughed, he rolled his chair closer to Will's bedside, he leaned forward putting his elbows on the bed, right next to Will's shoulder, and rested his head on his hand. "I was thinking. When you feel better, we could go watch a movie or something. Get some food, I don't know. Just me and you. I like hanging out with the party and all, they're great you know. But I feel different...? When you're not there if that makes any sense. I know it probably sounds stupid," Mike rambled on about how dumb it sounded, but then he reminded himself that Will couldn't hear him. 

"I just... we've been friends for so long and... I don't even know what I'm trying to say." Mike laughed at himself again, this time it was more of a scoff and he rubbed his face, pinching his top lip between his pointer finger and thumb. He sighed, feeling ridiculous, then proceeded to ramble. 

"I don't know if you can even hear me, and if you can't that would probably make this a lot less... well weird. But I thought- well I've thought a lot on this- Actually some time too, not like an overnight decision that's for sure, but I figured if you know you do..." He choked up feeling hot tears and a painful lump in his throat. Shit. He thought, he lowered his voice into a half whisper, "...If you do die... Then I want to at least tell you that- I..." He stammered, cursing himself, "I like you." This came out as an aggressive shout, and Mike's breath hiccupped as a tear streamed down his face. "I'm sorry" He whispered wiping under his eyes and scoffing maniacally at himself. He took some deep breaths. 

Looking at Will made Mike depressed. Mike thought he was the definition of perfect, in every way. His hair, smile, eyes. Mike stared at Will's porcelain skin wishing it would twitch or wiggle, or something, anything to show that Will was there. But he hoped Will couldn't hear him. God did he want nothing more than for that to be true. This was not the way that he wanted to tell him at all. Maybe this was practice. Maybe he would tell him in a different circumstance when Will wasn't dying and it wasn't a selfish decision Mike made, telling Will his feeling, knowing he couldn't live with himself if Will didn't know when he died.  He staggered another breath before grabbing Will's limp hand, the one that wasn't wrapped. He wanted nothing more than for it to grab back. His skin was so pale it made his electric blue veins show. Mike rubbed his thumb back and forth and just stared at Will with a sad, painful smile on his face. He was scared that this would be the last time he would be able to do so., whether it be because Will dies or because he no longer wants to be friends with Mike.

He sat there in silence that had been created in his own head, his ears were ringing and he tuned out the world, before he was interrupted with the unmistakable sound of the door opening. He jolted his hand away and wiped his tear-streaked face in the matter of seconds. in walked a very curvy woman with dark skin and short black hair. Mike had seen her a few times, he knew she was nurse who looked after Will. 

"Sorry, darlin'" She said sweetly, "Didn't mean to interrupt," She smiled walking in and picking up a clipboard. She scribbled some things down that Mike didn't pay attention to, "Will, your mom said she was going to be a little late, she and uh... Jimmy Hooper, was it?... got caught up somewhere."

Mike's heart skipped a beat and he felt the blood drain from his face, "He can- He can hear you?" Mike said, his heart sped up. 

"Yes." The nurse said in a sassy tone. "He's been communicating with his free hand, one squeeze for yes, two for no. Joyce came up with it and she's been in here ramblin' on to him all the time." The nurse laughed, "Poor Will, sometimes he'll stop, gets tired of it I guess, and Joyce'll freak out."

Mike took Will's hand in his hand again, still feeling a little exposed doing so in front of the nurse, but her nose was buried in the clipboard anyway. Mike rubbed his thumb gently on the back of Will's hand, then waited. Will's hand suddenly came to life, squeezing Mike's hand with unquestionable strength. Mike held his breath, fearing what Will might mean if he squeezed twice, but he only did it once. He sat there for a few more seconds before Will's thumb started rubbing the back of Mike's hand too. And Mike smiled with tears in his eye. 

Cute short little one, wrote this one to have something to post i guess. Oh also the cat that did the endnote in a previous story died. lol anyway.

Holy s word. 10k is crazzyyyy. Thank you guys so much, I think i've gotten like 1k reads in the past few weeks which is insane. You guys are awesome, hope you enjoyed!...<3


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