Time Travel 5

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Days passed, Mike and Will would never be seen apart. When Will was practicing, Mike was next to him. When Mike was sword fighting, Will was watching. Though they didn't make an official declaration of their feelings, they did not try to hide it. Sometimes going as far as kissing right in the middle of the courtyard (though it was dusk and not many could see them anyways.) Mike had offered Will to sleep in his chambers many times when he was healing from his wound, Will said he could not leave his mother but that he would still like to have dinner with him. This satisfied Mike enough. 

They hadn't made many plans to go beyond the walls and explore all the places they went as kids. Their responsibilities weighed on them now more than ever, Mike having to deal with the invaders, Will having to study magic. It was a lot for both of them. Yet, they always made time for each other, even if they couldn't be alone. 

Ever since their kiss, the days have been brighter. Particularly this day when Will woke up sleepy eyed and well rested. He didn't waste much time getting up, feeling like he had already overslept from how loud the birds were becoming. Hopper nor Joyce were in the kitchen, he enjoyed having the place to himself as he grabbed an apple and began crunching it. He occupied his time by staring at the wall just above the table. To his surprise, there was a bright red shirt with gold embroidery designs all along the front and back. It was custom made, as he got closer to it, that became apparent. The golden string branched out along the shoulders like vines, twisting and turning at the ends. Next to the shirt, a small piece of paper with a simple, sloppy heart drawn out, under it, "-M" was written. Will smiled to himself and pulled the shirt on. It fit him perfectly, it was the most expensive thing he owned by far, only things that could be requested by people like the King. 

He got a handful of compliments as he walked by the townspeople who stood next to their clothes and food stands. He would thank them and smile, then keep walking. He made it to the courtyard and was greeted by his mom and a few of the knights he had become friends with over the weeks. He felt an arm wrap around his hips and when he looked up, he saw Mike. He pulled their waists together and kissed WIll in front of everyone. No one said anything. If they did, it would not be something of shock or surprise. 

"Mike, people will see us," Will said through a smile. 

"So?" Mike said, "You like your shirt?" He asked. 

"Yes! Thank you." Will kissed him on the cheek and they began walking to the arena. Their hands brushed up against one another as they talked their whole way there. Will had began to help Mike put on his armor before fights which would typically turn into make-out sessions. They were like teenagers. They could not get their minds off each other, they could not keep their hands to themselves. They were in love, anyone could tell. And they had been for a lot longer than they really knew. They knew each other's secrets, they would share everything, they took naps on Mike's bed on occasion, if Mike ever had to give a speech he would read it to Will the night before to make sure it was perfect. 

After they finally peeled away from each other in the tent, Mike took his sword and tucked it into his belt, going out to fight the other knights. Will loved watching him. He never got tired of it. The way he was so quick with his movements and made it look so effortless. Sometimes he would look over at Will and wave between matches or make sure he was watching. This reminded Will of the little kids he had seen timidly jumping off a diving board, trying to get their parent's attention. Other times, Mike would ask him how he did, and everytime Will would say he'd seen better, though he hadn't. How was it possible for him to still have a crush on someone he was dating; that familiar feeling of embarrassment when he would stutter in his words or blushing when Mike would flirt with him, it all stuck with him even though they had kissed and slept in the same bed, a little more here and there. Their conversations were consisted of long and drawn out words like they were drunk. 

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